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  • The Hill: Kinzinger: ‘Donald Trump brought heaps of fear into the Republican Party’
    Posted in Latest News on September 14, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) on Tuesday said former President Trump “brought heaps of fear” into the GOP as lawmakers worried disloyalty to their party leader could knock them out of favor. “For some reason, somewhere, it all became about power, and it all became about fear. And Donald Trump brought heaps of fear into the Republican Party,” Kinzinger said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “For like a year or two, people thought maybe we could take down Donald Trump. When he kept surviving, this fear cam... Read more

  • Rolling Stone: Kinzinger: Trump’s Documents Grab ‘Is Disgusting… No President Should Act This Way’
    Posted in Latest News on August 28, 2022 | Preview rr

    REP. ADAM KINZINGER (R-Ill.) called former President Donald Trump’s removal of highly classified documents from the White House “disgusting,” saying that “no president should act this way.” Kinzinger appeared on Sunday’s Meet the Press where host Chuck Todd asked whether the Department of Justice has enough evidence to charge the former president. “I’m no expert in you know what it takes to indict somebody. You know, I’m a pilot. That’s about it, but knowing what I know, I look at this and I go,... Read more

  • The Hill: Kinzinger: Some people ‘equate Donald Trump with the person of Jesus Christ’
    Posted in Latest News on August 17, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said on Tuesday that some people “equate Donald Trump with the person of Jesus Christ” in their hearts. “To them, if you even come against this amazing man, Donald Trump, which obviously quite flawed, you are coming out against Jesus, against their Christian values,” he told MSNBC’s Alex Wagner. “And when you go after their religion, that violates the depth of who they are.” Kinzinger made the remark in response to a question Wagner asked him about criticism he has r... Read more

  • Axios: Kinzinger: Trump and Pompeo set Afghanistan withdrawal "in motion"
    Posted in Latest News on August 16, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) on Tuesday warned Americans not to allow Republicans to "pretend" that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan wasn't "set in motion" by former President Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Why it matters: This week marks one year since the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan, an event that kick-started a decline in President Biden's polling numbers and was seized by Republicans as a defining issue. The White House plans to circulate a new memo defending ... Read more

  • Mediate: Kinzinger Says Female Jan. 6 Witnesses Have ‘More Courage Than Frankly Almost Every Man in the Republican Party Combined’
    Posted in Latest News on July 27, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) praised witnesses who appeared before the Jan. 6 committee on which he serves. In doing so, he took a shot at the men in his own party. Appearing on Wednesday’s edition of The Lead on CNN, Jake Tapper asked the congressman about anonymous claims made by sources contradicting testimony given to the committee under oath. Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Mark Meadows, testified that a White House official told her Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the p... Read more

  • TIME: Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger on Where the Jan. 6 Committee Goes Next
    Posted in Latest News on July 25, 2022 | Preview rr

    When Adam Kinzinger came to Congress in 2011, the 32-year-old Air Force vet was considered a rising star in the GOP. Today he’s persona non grata within his own party. The Illinois lawmaker, among the few House Republicans who have been deeply critical of former President Donald Trump, is one of only two on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Over the course of eight public hearings this summer, the Jan. 6 committee has painted a devastating picture of... Read more

  • The Washington Post: The education of Adam Kinzinger
    Posted in Latest News on July 23, 2022 | Preview rr

    Adam Kinzinger remembers what it was like to be the cool kid, the youngest star of the conservative revolution in 2010. “I was one of his favorites early on,” the Illinois Republican recalled. Kinzinger was referencing the current House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who a dozen years ago, as a junior member of Republican leadership, helped recruit Kinzinger and dozens of others who propelled the party into the House majority. The two stayed close over the years, as McCarthy would ... Read more

  • Chicago Sun Times: Watching the Jan. 6 hearings is a must to preserve democracy
    Posted in Latest News on June 22, 2022 | Preview rr

    Every American, especially those who have not yet done so, should make the time to watch the televised hearings of the bipartisan House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6th attack. On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., is scheduled to lead the fifth hearing, which will focus on then-President Donald Trump’s pressure campaign on the Justice Department to help advance his Big Lie and overturn the 2020 presidential election he lost by a wide margin. Millions of Americans who have w... Read more

  • People: GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Warns of Nation's Violence After Someone Threatens to Execute Him, His Family
    Posted in Latest News on June 21, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger is sharing a firsthand look at the threats he and his family have received since he became an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump. On Sunday, the Republican shared a threatening letter on Twitter that had been addressed to his wife, Sofia Boza-Holman — a former communications staffer for then-Vice President Mike Pence — and mailed to their home. The letter, which appears to have been sent anonymously, is hand-written, and refers to both Adam, 44, and the couple... Read more

  • The Hill: Kinzinger says ‘leadership crisis’ has spread from DC to daily lives, churches
    Posted in Latest News on June 18, 2022 | Preview rr

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), a vocal critic of former President Trump, said that some churches have changed from institutions that worshiped God to institutions that worshipped Trump. Kinzinger, who is one of only two Republicans sitting on the House select committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, tweeted a video clip of remarks that he made at a conference in April on Friday, stating that the U.S. is in a “leadership crisis.” “It’s been said that a faith that makes losing a sin will... Read more

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