
Press Releases

September 15, 2022

Kilmer Receives National Recognition for Efforts to Protect & Strengthen Democracy

U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) has been recognized with a perfect score on Common Cause's 2022 Democracy Scorecard - a nonpartisan accounting of actions of all Members of Congress on a range of democracy-related legislation, including campaign finance reform, the protection and expansion of voting rights, and putting an end to partisan gerrymandering. "There's too much money, too many special interests, and too little accountability in our government. Americans deserve to have their v…  Continue Reading

September 14, 2022

Kilmer Pushes for Federal Funding to Fight Invasive Species

In August, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) led a bipartisan group of lawmakers in urging the U.S. Department of the Interior to undertake a review of the efforts of the federal government to combat invasive species in the U.S., including the European Green Crab in Washington state. In a letter to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, the lawmakers noted that the exponential growth of invasive pests, plants, animals, and pathogens in recent years poses a massive threat to the environment, …  Continue Reading

August 30, 2022

Kilmer Pushes Federal Government to Improve Services, Eliminate “Time Tax”

Tacoma, WA - This month, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) led a bipartisan group of lawmakers in urging the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to undertake a review or series of reviews of the efforts of the federal government to improve constituent facing agency operations. In a letter to the Comptroller General of the United States and head of GAO, the lawmakers noted that too many Americans - and particularly vulnerable citizens - are spending valuable time, energy, and resou…  Continue Reading

In The News

September 13, 2022

What can be done about Gorst? On day of gridlock, leaders met to discuss corridor's future

GORST - After almost two hours of sitting in stalled traffic on Highway 3 on Monday afternoon, Kimberly McCostlin and her family decided to give up on getting through Gorst, stopping in Bremerton for dinner. McCostlin, a Port Orchard resident in Silverdale for her son's doctor's appointment, was among thousands of stalled motorists who couldn't get through the confluence of highways 16 and 3 because of an overturned garbage truck. "It took us an hour and 45 minutes to get from Chico Way to …  Continue Reading

September 07, 2022

Congressman Kilmer hears from farmers during JeffCo visit

From getting food for the table, to a roof over their heads. Local farmers raised a troublesome crop of issues during a recent roundtable discussion with U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer. Kilmer, the 6th District Democrat, made a whole day swing through Jefferson County during a visit late last month, which included a tour of sewer projects in Port Townsend and Port Hadlock, a stop at the main campus of Jefferson Healthcare to chat with staff and talk about the hospital's new building project, and a mee…  Continue Reading

August 31, 2022

Rep. Derek Kilmer weighs in on North Shore Levee’s progress

Congressman Derek Kilmer sounded enthusiastic when he talked about how the city of Aberdeen is close to securing $50 million for the North Shore Levee (NSL) project. "This is a big deal for Aberdeen and for Grays Harbor County," Kilmer said to The Daily World. "Getting this pivotal funding means the community can address flooding and avoid future property damage. It means the community can enable future investments in affordable housing and economic development by pulling some of these properti…  Continue Reading