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Committees and Caucuses

House Veterans' Affairs Committee

Congressman Lamb serves as a member of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, the authorizing committee for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) responsible for recommending legislation expanding, curtailing, or fine-tuning existing laws relating to veterans' benefits. The Committee also has oversight responsibility, which means monitoring and evaluating the operations of the VA. If the Committee finds that VA is not administering laws as Congress intended, then it is addressed through the hearing process and legislation.

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has oversight and investigative jurisdiction over veterans' matters generally and such other matters as may be referred to the Subcommittee by the Chairman of the full Committee. The Subcommittee provides oversight on programs and operations of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as those of other federal agencies that pertain to veterans. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Subcommittee conducts hearings, site visits, and investigations nationwide. The Subcommittee's legislative jurisdiction is over such bills or resolutions as may be referred to it by the Chairman of the full Committee.

This Subcommittee has legislative, oversight and investigative jurisdiction over the Veterans Health Administration including medical services, medical support and compliance, medical facilities, medical and prosthetic research, and major and minor construction.

House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure has jurisdiction over all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, highways, bridges, mass transit, and railroads. The Committee also has jurisdiction over other aspects of our national infrastructure, such as clean water and waste water management, the transport of resources by pipeline, flood damage reduction, the management of federally owned real estate and public buildings, the development of economically depressed rural and urban areas, disaster preparedness and response, and hazardous materials transportation.

The Subcommittee on Aviation has jurisdiction over all aspects of civil aviation, including safety, infrastructure, labor, and international issues. Within this scope of responsibilities, the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a modal administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). This jurisdiction covers all programs within the FAA as well as aviation programs of the USDOT with respect to economic regulation of air carriers and passenger airline service. In addition, the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over commercial space transportation, the National Mediation Board, and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

The Subcommittee on Highways and Transit is responsible for the development of national surface transportation policy, construction and improvement of highway and transit facilities, implementation of highway and transit safety programs and research activities, and regulation of commercial motor vehicle operations. Within this scope of responsibilities, the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over many U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) programs.

House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology

The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology has jurisdiction over all energy research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor, and all federally owned or operated non-military energy laboratories; astronautical research and development, including resources, personnel, equipment, and facilities; civil aviation research and development; environmental research and development; marine research; commercial application of energy technology; National Institute of Standards and Technology, standardization of weights and measures and the metric system; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Science Foundation; National Weather Service; outer space, including exploration and control thereof; science scholarships; scientific research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor. The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology shall review and study on a continuing basis laws, programs, and Government activities relating to non-military research and development.

This Subcommittee is responsible for all issues relating to energy research; development and demonstration projects; commercial application of energy technology; the Department of Energy and related labs and programs; fossil energy research and development; distributed energy resources and systems; industrial process efficiencies; and energy standards.

The Subcommittee on Research & Technology shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters: All matters relating to science policy and STEM education; competitiveness, technology, standards, and innovation; National Science Foundation; The National Institute of Standards and Technology; The Office of Science and Technology Policy; The National Technical Information Service; Research, development, and demonstration activities of the Department of Transportation; Research, development, demonstration, and standards related activities of the Department of Homeland Security; Innovation programs at the Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce; Intergovernmental mechanisms for research, development, and demonstration and cross cutting programs. Click here to learn more about the oversight of the Subcommittee on Research & Technology.

Congressional Steel Caucus

Congressman Lamb is the Chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus, a bipartisan group of over 100 Members of Congress who represent regions with steel manufacturers or care about the health of the American steel industry. In addition to introducing legislation supporting the domestic steel community, Caucus members also routinely meet with Administration officials and WTO representatives to communicate the interests of the American industry and its steelworkers.

Expand Social Security Caucus

​The newly created Expand Social Security Caucus is committed to expanding Social Security, one of the most popular and successful government programs. Last year alone, Social Security lifted 22 million Americans, including more than 15 million seniors, out of poverty. Before Social Security, nearly half of the nation's seniors were living in poverty.

The Caucus will be focused on enhancing the incredible benefits that Americans have earned through Social Security for their retirement, if they become severely disabled, and for their families.

Problem Solvers Caucus

Beginning in 2017, the Problem Solvers Caucus became an independent member-driven group in Congress, comprised of representatives from across the country – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – committed to finding common ground on many of the key issues facing the nation. Co-Chaired by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), the Caucus' aim is to create a durable bloc that champions ideas that appeal to a broad spectrum of the American people. It is a group united in the idea that there are commonsense solutions to many of the country's toughest challenges. Only when we work together as Americans can we successfully break through the gridlock of today's politics.

In the 115th and 116th Congress, Problem Solvers Caucus members agreed to find bipartisan solutions on issues including: Coronavirus Recovery and Contingency Planning; Infrastructure; Health Care; Immigration; Criminal Justice Reform; Rules Reform; and Gun & School Safety.

For Country Caucus

For Country Caucus provides principled military veteran members a platform to work in a nonpartisan way and create a more productive government. For the Country's vision is a less polarized Congress that works for — and is trusted by — Americans. We seek a Congress where members serve with integrity, civility and courage. And we want a Congress that is strategic in purpose, focused in action and where elected officials put their country first.

Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

The mission of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus is to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality. The bi-partisan, 119-member Caucus is strongly committed to achieving the full enjoyment of human rights for LGBT people in the U.S. and around the world. The Caucus is led by the six openly LGBT members of Congress who serve as CoChairs and who authorize the release of statements and Caucus positions.