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Sponsored by the Internet Education Foundation, the Congressional App Challenge recognizes and encourages the programming skills of young constituents across the nation, and is open to all middle and high school students living or attending schools in Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District.

Student Registration

Students are welcome to register individually or in teams of up to four individuals, but please note that students may only register in one congressional district. If you are uncertain whether you reside or attend school in PA-17, please visit the House of Representatives website.

All entries are accepted by registering and submitting the app online by 12:00 pm EST on Monday, October 19, 2020. Students should visit the Congressional App Challenge website to submit a registration form.


Apps can be created on and for any platform using any programming language but must be original and must have been created within one year of the closing date. A one to three-minute video demonstrating and describing the app in use and learning process throughout the competition must be uploaded publicly to YouTube, Vimeo, or another video sharing service and included alongside the application. The app must be solely owned by the student so that no other outside party has any rights to or interest in the application. More information about eligibility and app submission may be found here.

Apps will be evaluated based on demonstrated excellence of computer programming skills, quality, creativity and implementation of an idea.


The winning app will be announced in December. There will be one winning individual or team selected from Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District.

The winning app is eligible to be displayed in the United States Capitol Building and featured on, the official website for the United States House of Representatives. In addition, the winning student will receive an invitation to the #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington D.C., but please note that the winner will be responsible for their transportation and other expenses. Additional prizes may be announced.


