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Help with a Federal Agency

Congressman Lamb's team is here to assist residents of Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District with issues related to federal agencies, including:

  • Social Security Administration
  • Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Medicare
  • United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • U.S. Postal Service
  • Department of State

Constituents should contact a caseworker in any one of our District offices for assistance: Mt. Lebanon District Office (412-344-5583); Beaver County District Office (724-206-4860); or Penn Hills District Office (412-871-2060). 

Constituents seeking assistance should be aware that federal privacy rules require written consent and personal information like date of birth and in certain cases a Social Security number, before they can advocate on your behalf in front of a federal agency. A privacy release form will be provided and information is held strict confidence.