
In both our Houston and Washington, DC offices, there are 3 sessions for internships: spring, summer, and fall. Internships are targeted to college students and recently graduated students looking to gain experience in and learn more about a congressional office. Paid internships are available in both offices.

The dates of our 2023 internships are: January 17 – May 17 (spring), May 30 – August 18 (summer), and August 28 – December 15 (fall). Dates will change each calendar year. Exact start and end dates, as well as day-to-day hours, can be flexible to accommodate course schedules, if needed.

The following are the internship application deadlines:

  • Fall 2022: Applications for fall internships are now closed.
  • Spring 2023: Applications for spring internships are due December 2, 2022, by 11:00pm CT
  • Summer 2023: Applications for spring internships are due April 14, 2023, by 11:00pm CT
  • Fall 2023: Applications for fall internships are due July 28, 2023, by 11:00pm CT

Washington, DC
In Washington, DC, interns are asked to assist with answering phones, researching legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attending hearings and briefings, and answering constituent letters on various issues before the House, among other relevant day-to-day tasks.

In the Houston office, interns are asked to assist with media clips, constituent case work, district-based events, answering phones, and writing letters, among other relevant day-to-day tasks.

In addition to submitting an internship application form, applicants must also submit their resume and cover letter in one document to The email subject line should be formatted as ‘[First Name][Last Name][Season][Year] Application’. The file name for the resume and cover letter should be formatted as ‘[First Name][Last Name] ResumeCL’.

*DISCLAIMER: An application will not be considered complete until the applicant’s form, cover letter, and resume are submitted.*

Required fields are followed by *.

Contact Information
Additional Applicant Information

Emergency Contact Information
Skills Applicable to Internship
Academic Information