
Scientific research proves climate change is real and its consequences are serious and evident. Sea level rise, droughts and rising temperatures across the nation show the serious impact of climate change. Climate change is directly related to our national security, economic prosperity and food supply. It is time to take our energy policy down a new path that reduces carbon pollution and promotes a sustainable, greener tomorrow for future generations.

I will continue to fight to ensure that all Philadelphia and Montgomery County residents have clean air, access to safe drinking water and can utilize and enjoy our nation’s precious public lands.

For more information about my work on Environment, please contact my office.


Congressman Evans (Philadelphia and Montgomery County) announces his support for H.R. 3671, the Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act (OFF Act), which will put the United States on a pathway to replace fossil fuels with 100 percent clean energy generation and use by 2035.

President Trump just announced his decision to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement. I do not support the President’s decision. I will continue to act on climate because our future generations depend on it and we have a lot to lose if not. In fact, 59% of Americans believe in climate change and know protecting our earth is crucial.

The Trump administration has pursued a dirty war on clean water. As a member of Congress I’ve spoken out against their efforts to rollback policies, like the Clean Water Rule because they ignore science and put Americans’ health at risk by endangering their drinking water.