Following Senate Vote, Merkley Vows to Keep Fighting for Women’s Health Care

Following Senate Vote, Merkley Vows to Keep Fighting for Women’s Health Care

WASHINGTON – After a minority of Senators voted to filibuster debate on a bill that would undo the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision threatening women’s access to contraception, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement:

“It’s outrageous that a minority of Senators are blocking us from debating a bill that simply says women should be in charge of their own health care. I’m disappointed that so many of my Republican colleagues have joined the Supreme Court in giving bosses the right to interfere in their employees’ private health decisions.

“Choosing whether or not to use contraception is a medical choice that belongs between a woman and her doctor. Bosses don't belong in our bedrooms or our doctors' exam rooms. I’ll keep fighting to fix this misguided decision because how Oregonians use their health coverage is just not their boss’s business.”

Senator Merkley is an original cosponsor of the Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act – also known as the “Not My Boss’ Business Act” – that was voted on today.

Video footage of Sen. Merkley's speech is available here.
