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Pro-Life and Family Values

As a mother of four children, I believe that human life begins at conception, and I will always defend the right to life. Every human being has inherent value and dignity regardless of their stage of development, ability, age, gender, or race.

Over 63 million children have been lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade was decided, many of whom were aborted by taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood. I support overturning Roe v. Wade and restoring the sanctity of life to the law. When Democrats tried to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law and prohibit states from enacting pro-life protections, I called them out for it. Abortion is a grave evil, and I will never stop standing for the right to life.

As a member of the Budget Committee, I back the Hyde Amendment in all appropriations bills, and I was proud that my appropriations request for prohibiting tax dollars from funding abortions was signed into law.

I have supported more than a dozen other bills to protect life. I cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act to ensure federal funds aren’t being used to pay for abortions. I cosponsored the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to prohibit abortion when the unborn child is 20 weeks or older. I cosponsored the Defund Planned Parenthood Act to prohibit Planned Parenthood from accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds that are utilized to perform abortions. I cosponsored the Life at Conception Act to protect the unborn. I cosponsored the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection to ensure that any child born alive after surviving an abortion receives the same care to preserve the life and health of the child as any other child of the same gestational age would receive. 

Additionally, I believe that strong families are the foundation of American society, and I oppose efforts to redefine marriage as anything other than the union of one man and one woman. I am fighting to protect families from extremists telling our children that it's ok for them to get a sex change and take puberty blocking drugs. I sent a congressional inquiry holding the Biden regime accountable for using Colorado as a testcase for requiring tax dollars to fund sex change surgeries for minors. Sex change surgeries render a person sterile for life, and taxpayer dollars should not be used to permanently maim confused children. Children should never be used as pawns to advance radical gender ideology. Permanently altering and disabling the physical bodies of children is never ok—and it is especially deplorable when done to gain cheap political points with the radical left.

Additionally, I introduced the Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act to prohibit tax dollars from funding Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Health’s studies on sex change, sterilization, chemical castration, and puberty-blocking procedures for minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Using psychologically vulnerable children as lab rats for life-altering sterilization procedures and genital mutilation is wrong, and it should be illegal.

Anti-family leftists are sacrificing everything on the altar of radical gender ideology, from first graders’ educations to women’s sports. I stood up for female athletes being silenced by the radical left, and I am not afraid to say that I reject the left’s woke definition of gender.

As a member of the Values Action Team, I fight for pro-life and pro-family legislation that promotes adoption, reduces tax burdens on working families, improves school choice, and respects the right to life.

For my work on pro-life issues, I earned an "A+" rating from the Susan B Anthony List and a 100% score from the National Right to Life Committee. For my work on family values, I earned a 100% score from the Family Research Council and a 100% score from Eagle Forum.