Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States

As the sole Subcommittee with exclusive jurisdiction over American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian issues in the House of Representatives, the Subcommittee oversees matters ranging from natural resources and land management, ownership, and leasing to Indian health care, tribal criminal justice, development of reservation economies, enhancement of social welfare and improvement of energy efficiency and renewable energy development initiatives on tribal lands.

The goal of the Subcommittee is to protect tribal sovereignty and tribes’ authority over their lands and natural resources while empowering tribal communities with enhanced self-governance authorities.

Committee Democrats

  • Teresa  Leger Fernandez
    New Mexico
  • Ruben Gallego
    Arizona 7th District
  • Darren  Soto
    Florida 9th District
  • Betty  McCollum
    Minnesota’s 4th District
  • Michael San Nicolas
  • Ed Case
    Hawaii 1st District
  • Jesús G. “Chuy”  García
    Illinois 4th District
  • Melanie  Stansbury
    New Mexico's 1st District

The Subcommittee has specific jurisdiction over the following federal agencies:

Bureau of Indian Affairs: Founded in 1824, originally under the War Department. It manages relations with the 574 federally recognized American Indian Tribes and 55 million surface acres as well as 57 million acres of subsurface mineral reserves held in trust by the United States for Native American tribes.

Department of the Interior: Founded in 1849 by President Zachary Taylor. It manages the land, water, and mineral resources of the United States as well as oversees American Indian affairs.

Specific Topics Include:

  • Federal trust responsibility to Native Americans and the sovereignty of Native Americans.
  • The welfare of 2 million enrolled tribal members that comprise the 574 federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native entities recognized by the Federal government.
  • Management of Indian lands and special measures relating to claims paid out of Indian funds. This includes the management of 55 million surface acres as well as 57 million acres of subsurface mineral reserves held in trust by the United States for Native American tribes.
  • All matters regarding Alaska Natives.
  • All matters regarding the relations of the United States with Native Americans and Native American tribes, including special oversight functions.
  • All matters regarding Native Hawaiians.
  • General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
  • Renewable Energy on Native Lands
  • Indian Health Care Improvement Act

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