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How Can We Help

Since January of 2019, Congressman Kim’s office has assisted our neighbors in Burlington and Ocean Counties resolve more than 8,500 cases with federal departments and agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA).During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congressman Kim’s office has also directly helped neighbors struggling to access VA health benefits, small business assistance, Medicare, and Social Security. 

Since 2019, we have returned over $27 million to constituents throughout New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District. 

In 2021, our casework team closed 2,662 cases, directly returning $12,340,053 to constituents in Burlington and Ocean Counties. 

The following stories are from New Jerseyans helped by our office. If you have an issue similar to the stories you see below, please do not hesitate to reach out by clicking here.

Helping Our Veterans with the VA

Mark from Toms River

Problem: “I am a former Marine and had my right leg amputated above the knee. For nearly a year, the VA kept me believing the lab was busy in the prosthetic lab working on a state-of-the-art C-leg. Much to my dismay, I learned that much of the staff had resigned from the VA, and the tech-in-charge denied my having that leg as he felt I was an ‘unsuitable’ candidate.”

Solution: “With much gratitude and appreciation, I want to commend Congressman Andy Kim for giving me a new lease on life! Congressman Kim was able to break through the bureaucratic red tape, and I am now walking better than I have been since the operation. The Congressman really cares for veterans, and I want everyone to know it!

Joe from Barnegat 

Problem: After years of struggle and facing bankruptcy, Joe came to Congressman Kim’s office for help with his VA disability claim. He’d already been waiting for months and was seeking to expedite the proceeding before he lost his home.

Solution:  Congressman Kim’s office put in an inquiry about Joe’s claim and diligently followed up with officials at the VA regularly over the course of several weeks.  Joe was awarded $46,000 in back pay from the VA.  Congressman Kim and his staff went above and beyond meeting weekly and helping Joe identify and be in touch with veteran organizations in Ocean County that could help provide additional resources.  Joe said Congressman Kim’s staff was “like a friend to me. Still is.”

Chris from Beachwood 

Problem:  Chris, a disabled veteran living on a tight income, was mistakenly asked to pay more than $5,000 to the VA for compensation and pension benefit changes following his divorce.  

Solution:  In just over a month, Congressman Kim’s office was able to have his debt waived.  Chris said, “Thanks to the efforts of Rep. Kim and his staff a very large burden has been removed from my life in a dispute with the VA.  That burden threatened to cause me to lose my home and more. The staff listened and followed through obtaining a result that removed all pressure from me as a veteran dealing with PTSD.” 

Our Neighbor from Lumberton 

Problem: “Section 8 incorrectly told my landlord I was no longer enrolled or eligible after I was recertified last year. Section 8 wouldn't respond to me, and I waited two months for a budget revision form. Meanwhile I had to pay $1,375.00 rent in December 2021 and my social security at that time was only approximately $1,473.00. I couldn't pay any of my other bills so I became 2 months behind on my car note, car insurance, cell phone, etc., and my cable got turned off.”

Solution: “I am a Military Veteran, honorably discharged as a Court Reporter from the US Army. When I reached out to Congressman Kim’s office, they were very responsive and understanding of my plight. They got on the ball and the next thing I knew my budget revision form was ready. I couldn't have done it by myself– they saved me from being homeless after living in my apartment for 15 years.” 

Helping Our Seniors & Disabled Neighbors with Federal Agencies 

Debra from Brick 

Problem “I turned 65 on December 2nd and had no insurance.”

How we Served: “I faxed my issue to Congressman Kim's team on December 3rd at 11:30 AM. To my surprise, around 2:30, I received a call back from his office. We discussed my issue. At 8:05 AM on December 4th, I received emails from Social Security. This never would have happened without the assistance and immediacy of Congressman Kim's office.”

Moses from Mt. Laurel 

Problem:  After working and paying into the system for more than thirty years, the Social Security Administration initially denied Moses’ disability claim. He reached out to Congressman Kim’s office for help and an inquiry was filed on his behalf. 

Solution:  In less than one week, Moses’ denial was overturned and he was awarded eight weeks of backpay for the benefits he earned.  Moses called Congressman Kim’s staff “overwhelmingly helpful.”  He went on to say, “The problem was taken care of so quickly and efficiently, I was astonished.  I can’t say enough good things.”

Pierre from Willingboro 

Problem:  After a devastating accident, Pierre was not receiving the full amount of disability payments he was owed for his young daughter.  He attempted to resolve the matter directly with the Social Security Administration for more than nine months before finally reaching out to Congressman Kim’s office.

Solution:  With the help of Congressman Kim’s office, Pierre’s issue was resolved within three weeks.  He said, “I am very happy to be represented by this office.  Very caring.  They put people first.”

Marc and Mary from Marlton 

Problem: “My wife and I were having great difficulty getting a withdrawal from Social Security and also back payments owed to us.  For 6 months, we visited the Social Security office (each month) and made several calls without any results!  Our Social Security payments stopped and we had no one to turn to for help. We were in a Social Security ‘Black Hole.’”

Solution: Congressman Kim’s staff “worked along with us for almost 6 months until we finally received the results and back payments that were owed to us.”  They were “extremely helpful and knowledgeable.”  Mark and Mary went on to say, “Without their assistance, I am sure we could not have resolved our issues with Social Security by ourselves.  These folks are there to help us when our government turns a ‘deaf ear’ to us.”

Helping Navigate Complex Health Care Issues 

Michael from Brick 

Problem: Michael’s Medicare benefits were canceled, and he was racking up medical bills.  He said, “Before I reached out to his office, I was not able to rectify a cancellation of my Medicare Benefits.  After several months of trying and being without insurance at

66 years of age, my neighbor suggested I call my Congressman, Andy Kim”

Solution: Congressman Kim’s staff “worked with total dedication in resolving my issues.  If not for [them], I would still be without medical insurance.  [They] fought diligently to rectify this computer error caused by the Social Security Administration.  I am so thankful to [them] for helping me out, as I am disabled with a broken back and shoulder.”

Nancy from Medford Lakes

Problem: Nancy’s health was at serious, immediate risk while she struggled through bureaucratic red tape for months to correct an administrative error from the Social Security Administration that caused her to be considered ineligible for Medicare Part B (health insurance).

Solution: Congressman Kim’s office initiated a case and had the error corrected and her health insurance activated within weeks.  Nancy said, “Excellent service.  I had problems getting Medicare Part B approved.  Four trips to the local Social Security office did not resolve the issue.  One trip to Andy Kim’s office and the problem was solved within two weeks.”

Robert from Brick 

Problem:  Robert was fighting a medical billing battle for years and was forced to pay out of pocket for a service that should have been covered.  He said, “After two years of trying to recover money owed to me by Medicare, I finally contacted Congressman Andy Kim’s office for help.” 

Solution: “I shared my case and supporting evidence…and I got immediate results.  To date, I have been fully reimbursed all money due to me from Medicare.”

Daniel from Moorestown 

Problem: Daniel had lost his job due to the economic impact of the Coronavirus crisis and had a week and a half before he would lose his health insurance. Attempting to sign up for health care on, Daniel hit a glitch in the system which left him, "worried about not being covered at the beginning of the month and having a lapse in healthcare coverage."

Solution: Daniel reached out to Congressman Kim's office, "because they had been of great assistance to [his] father with regards to receiving his stimulus check last month." A member of Congressman Kim's team, "got back to me very promptly and tried to help in any way she could." Congressman Kim's staff put Daniel in touch with the Center for Family Services in Camden, who as a Navigator on, was able to answer his questions and, "choose the right plan."

Kathleen from Burlington

Problem: "I applied for Medicare, three months ahead as instructed. My application was not processing and I was without insurance." 

How we Served: "Congressman Kim's office was able to cut through the red tape and get my application processed."

Helping Small Businesses

A business owner in Mt. Laurel 

Problem: “I desperately needed my COVID EIDL loan. I had not heard or received communication from them in over 8 months.”

How we served: “Congressman Kim’s office was an integral part in assisting me with obtaining my EIDL/Disaster loan! Within 48 hours of contacting the Congressman's office, the SBA high-priority team reached out. They expedited my application, and I was funded within ten days of requesting assistance from the Congressman’s office. I am blown away by the outcome and cannot be more appreciative! After months of agony and struggling to keep my small business afloat, I can finally breathe!”

Ginny, a small business owner, in Brick 

Problem: “I waited 5 months for my SBA EIDL loan. Congressman Kim’s office was able to work as a liaison with the SBA to expedite my application that was held in limbo the whole time due to a ‘glitch’”

How we Served: “Andy Kim's team was a godsend. They were able to work as a liaison with the SBA EIDL loan department to finally get me approved and funded. Without their help, I would be in the same boat as so many others who are caught in limbo.”

Kristan from Florence (As written in the Burlington County Times)

Problem: During the general session [of a town hall], I brought up being a small-business owner and the cost of buying health insurance for my husband and me, since there is no big employer paying a portion of it (it’s $26,868 a year, before any copays for doctors’ visits, prescriptions, physical therapy, X-rays, hospital stays, etc.).

How we Served: Talking with a staff member, Kristan was told, “about — and also sent me information and links to — small-business health insurance through the marketplace that I wasn’t even aware of. It offers the same Omnia Silver plan we have now, for about $500 less per month than what I’m paying. That will make a difference for my business and my family.”

Helping Our Neighbors Through COVID-19

Our Neighbor from Moorestown 

Problem: “Our world was shattered when my partner unexpectedly had a serious stroke. During the past two years, he’s been dedicated to regaining his independence. For him, physical and cognitive therapy are lifelines to normalcy. When the pandemic hit, his only choice was to continue therapy via telehealth. Medicare initially declined to cover some types of telehealth therapy. After getting nowhere with Medicare, I reached out to Congressman Kim.”

How we Served: “In addition to being an advocate, I felt like Congressman Kim’s team was our friend. They kept in touch with me, and we’ve had heartfelt conversations. They understand how important this is, and they got the job done. Medicare is now covering my partner’s telehealth therapy. Thank you to Congressman Kim and his staff. We now have hope for a fuller recovery! Everyone should have a Congressman as caring and effective as Congressman Kim!”

Kian from Forked River 

“I was going to college in England and needed my passport to be renewed prior to me departing. Due to corona my passport renewal had been stalled and was not definitely gonna be here before I left. I also needed my passport so that I can start my visa process which allows me to go study over there. The role that the Congressman’s office played was critical. They were able to expedite my passport so that it would be done before I left. To do one better, the Congressman’s office got me my passport in just a couple days! Thank you guys for everything you did and allowing me to live my dream out.” 

Amit from Marlton NJ 

“My father who was in India for a funeral had his flight canceled during the beginning stages of COVID-19 and was thus stuck in India during their national shutdown. We contacted Congressman Andy Kim’s office and worked over the course of two weeks, to contact the State Department and Embassy to get him on the last evacuation flight. 

There were some tough moments, but the Congressman’s team was solid, responsive, and fantastic to communicate with. This personally put a positive on politics and our Congressman. We could not have done this to get our father home without her” 

Our neighbor from Barnegat 

“My parents who are in their 80’s received a letter from the IRS asking to confirm their identity while the IRS is not open due to COVID19. Congressman Kim’s team not only helped solve this problem, but did so in an official, polite and caring manner.  I was able to send his staff the documents to forward them to the IRS agent when things are at a halt.  They kept me in the loop of how things were going and they were truly caring of my parents’ concern about this problem.  If not for Congressman Kim and his staff…God only knows how I would have been able to rectify this problem for my parents.  Thank you!”