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Health Care

America’s health care system must be reformed in order to reduce costs, increase coverage, and improve quality of care for all Americans. 

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we’ve seen less choice and skyrocketing costs for basic medical care. Hundreds of constituents have shared their stories of how rising healthcare costs are devastating their lives, families and small businesses. Simply put, the ACA failed in its core mission to decrease health care costs, which is why I supported its repeal and replacement.

I support reforms that are patient-centered and doctor-centered, not insurance company-centered. I support: allowing citizens to purchase health insurance across state lines; helping small businesses pool together to negotiate better rates; expanding health savings accounts; and pushing tort reform. I’ll continue to look for such reforms that emphasize improving quality, accessibility and affordability, and will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to initiate common-sense reforms that don’t interfere with individual choice, threaten jobs due to rising costs on employers, or increase our already unsustainable debt.

Finally, neither I as a Member of Congress nor any member of my staff receive any exemption from the ACA. I’ve said since my first day in office that all elected federal officials should be treated the same as the people they serve – which is why my staff, like millions of Americans, are subject to getting their health care through the ACA exchanges.
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