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Member Designated Projects

Transparency and Accountability

To ensure oversight, transparency, and accountability throughout the process, Members who submit a Member Designated Project request must also post the request online to their official website, and will be asked to self-certify the project has been posted accordingly when they submit their request to the Committee. Members must include the project name, location of the project (including address and ZIP code to extent applicable), project sponsor, and the requested amount for each request posted online. Project requests that are not publicly posted upon submission will not be considered by the Committee. The Committee will also publicly post all submitted Member requests on the committee website following the closure of the database.

In accordance with the above transparency and accountability guidelines from the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, please find all member certifications and information in links for Rep. Ilhan Omar's Member Designated Projects:

94/22nd Ave Ped Bridge

-Member Certification

-Letter of Support

Blue Line Extension

-Member Certification

-Letter of Support

BRT E Line

-Member Certification

-Letter of Support

BRT F Line

-Member Certification

-Letter of Support