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For all too many New Hampshire families, the opioid crisis is deeply personal. Far more action must be taken at all levels to save lives and curb this epidemic.      

As a member of New Hampshire’s Executive Council, I provided the pivotal vote to implement the state’s Medicaid expansion program, which remains one of our best tools to combat this epidemic. In doing so, we were able to expand coverage to more than 53,000 Granite Staters. 

Capitol Building against an evening sky
Learn about news and information related to Congress.

Congressman Pappas meets with business leaders in the Granite State
Read relevant news, information and initiatives regarding the Economy.

Chris reads to children at the Manchester Public Library
Learn about initiatives and news items related to Education.

Rep. Chris Pappas with USFS team

From the Mount Washington Valley to the Seacoast, New Hampshire’s way of life and economy are rooted in our natural surroundings. We should all work to leave our environment better than we found it by promoting clean energy, supporting environmental protection, and directly confronting the existential threat of climate change.

Health Care

Health care should be a right, not a privilege, for all Americans. This was a principle I fought for while serving on New Hampshire’s Executive Council and one I’m fighting for in Washington. That is why I am committed to ensuring that all Granite Staters receive quality, affordable health care.

Pappas taking photos with people

No one should be discriminated against because of who they are or who they love. As the first openly gay member of Congress from New Hampshire, I am committed to fighting for the dignity and equality of all Americans.

If you need assistance with programs included in the American Rescue Plan or previous COVID-19 relief legislation - including Economic Impact Payments and the Paycheck Protection Program - contact Congressman Pappas's office at (603) 285-4300 or email us here.

The American Rescue Plan provides direct assistance to families, invests in vaccine distribution, ensures schools have the resources to resume in-person learning safely, and supports small businesses.

Pappas walking with construction workers

Every dollar we invest in infrastructure yields two dollars in economic activity, which is why I am proud to lead the fight for federal investment in New Hampshire’s roads, bridges, and waterways as a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.