Innovation & Technology

Nearly 60 years ago, President John Kennedy launched an ambitious mission to safely send a man to the moon and back. Today, we are at a critical juncture in our nation's history as we must renew that same spirit of action and opportunity. We must ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and discovery by investing in cutting-edge research, modernizing our manufacturing industry, pursuing energy renewable resources, creating green jobs, and increasing opportunities at every turn.
It is imperative that America continues to lead the world through innovation and discovery by investing in cutting-edge research, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses, while investing in clean energy, pursuing renewable resources, creating green jobs, and increasing opportunities at every turn. Science and technological discoveries have formed the backbone of our progress as a people and our prosperity as a nation. America’s future progress and competitiveness demand that we initiate a sustained financial and intellectual investment in innovation.

San Francisco is home to the Innovation Capital of the World, where the top technology and creative talent across the global have been called to action and have led our technological boom. I have been proud to represent San Francisco as a longtime hotbed of new ideas, new businesses, and new industries. Our city always leads the rest of the world, connects our workers to their counterparts overseas, sets the standard for excellence in fields of innovation, strengthens our entrepreneurial spirit and the American Dream.

In order to protect our emerging industries, our city and nation must prevail in the global marketplace by winning the future. Protecting scientific research and education has been, and will remain, a top priority for my office and House Democrats.

To meet our goals, we must inspire the next generation of young Americans to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We must increase the number of high-skilled visas for foreign students with advanced STEM degrees graduating from America’s greatest research universities. In San Francisco, we are fortunate enough to see firsthand the new technologies, new companies, and new jobs they create everyday through our city.

The future of science, technology, research and development, and innovation are in jeopardy as Republicans continue cut from critical investments in science and innovation. House Democrats are committed to economic growth and job creation rooted in our unflinching dedication to scientific research, clean energy, and industries of innovation.

A commitment to innovation and progress: that was the spirit that inspired President Kennedy and our nation more than half-a-century ago. That is the tradition passed down from generation to generation of American leaders. That is the same spirit we must cherish and embrace to build a stronger economy and middle class in the 21st century.