Merkley Statement on EPA's Greenhouse Gases Declaration

Merkley Statement on EPA's Greenhouse Gases Declaration

Washington, DC
– Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that global warming pollution is a pollutant that endangers public health and welfare and will be subject to mandatory regulation under the Clean Air Act:

“As world leaders begin to gather in Copenhagen, the Obama administration is sending a clear sign today that the United States is serious about leading the world in developing clean energy jobs and curbing global warming. With today’s announcement, President Obama is making it clear that Americans choose clean air over dirty air, that Americans want to invest a billion dollars a day creating red, white, and blue American jobs in renewable energy instead of sending a billion dollars a day to Persian Gulf nations and Venezuela, and that Americans want a stronger energy-independent America -- instead of a weak, oil-addicted America.


“The race for clean energy is not a race our country, our economy, or our planet can afford to lose. The EPA’s announcement today says we are serious about winning that race and sets the stage for comprehensive, job creating Senate legislation.”