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Before my time here in Washington D.C. I worked in commercial real estate and served on the loan committee for the First National Bank of Syracuse. It is through these experiences that I gained first-hand knowledge and understanding of how important it is to encourage businesses to grow and promote a competitive atmosphere.

Kansans are feeling the pain of historical inflation numbers as our country's economy faces these uncertain times. We need to get the country back on track and allow the economy to thrive. Less regulation, a strong environment for market competition, and giving Americans buying power allow our country to be strong. Washington, D.C.’s typical solution of raising taxes and spending more taxpayer dollars is not a long-term solution. I have voted against multiple bills that will only add fuel to the inflation fire, like President Biden's erroneous Build Back Better plan - or as I call it, the Build Back Broke plan. In order to get the country back on track and allow the American economy to thrive again, leaders in Washington D.C. need to stop recklessly spending taxpayer dollars, pass a strong budget that doesn't add to our already trillion-dollar national debt, and let businesses compete in a free market without federal overreach.

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