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Fact Sheets

July 27, 2022

The CHIPS and Science Act

The CHIPS and Science Act Fact Sheet as prepared by House Leadership Science Committee Provisions in the CHIPS and Science Act Fact …  Continue Reading 

March 07, 2022

Federal Science Facilities Across the United States

…  Continue Reading 

March 01, 2022

The America COMPETES Act of 2022

Department of Energy Science for the Future National Institute of Standards and Technology for the Future Act of 2021 National Science Foundation for the Future  Bioeconomy Research and Development  STEM Opportunities  Rural STEM Education Research MSI STEM Achievement  Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Supporting Early-Career Researchers National Science and Technology Strategy Energizing Technology Transfer Regional Innovation Microelectronics Research …  Continue Reading 

December 14, 2021

H.R. 6291, the Microelectronics Research for Energy Innovation Act

One-Page Summary …  Continue Reading 

November 29, 2021

H.R. 3594, the Surface Transportation Research and Development Act of 2021

…  Continue Reading 

November 29, 2021

H.R. 4270, the Abandoned Well Remediation Research and Development Act

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November 29, 2021

H.R. 4863, Partnerships for Energy Security and Innovation Act

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November 29, 2021

H.R. 5781, National Wildland Fire Risk Reduction Program Act

Bill …  Continue Reading 

October 27, 2021

H.R. 5746, NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 2021

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

September 09, 2021

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology's Fact Sheet on the Build Back Better Act

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology's Fact Sheet on the Build Back Better …  Continue Reading 

July 21, 2021

H.R. 4606, the Energizing Technology Transfer Act

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

July 21, 2021

H.R. 4609, the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the Future Act of 2021

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

July 20, 2021

H.R. 4588, the Regional Innovation Act of 2021

One-Page Summary …  Continue Reading 

July 19, 2021

H.R. 4521, the Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021

One-Page Summary …  Continue Reading 

June 11, 2021

H.R. 3858, the National Science and Technology Strategy Act of 2021

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

May 28, 2021

H.R. 3593, the DOE Science for the Future Act

Two-Page …  Continue Reading 

April 20, 2021

H.R. 2695, the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

March 26, 2021

H.R. 2225, the National Science Foundation for the Future Act

Two-Page Summary …  Continue Reading 

March 18, 2021

H.R. 2027, the MSI STEM Achievement Act

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

January 05, 2021

H.R. 210, the Rural STEM Education Research Act

One-Page …  Continue Reading 

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