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In the News

April 26, 2022

Wednesday Q+A with Haley Stevens

by Phillip Athey

Rep. Haley Stevens is one of the 81 members of the House chosen as a conferee to reconcile the chambers’ respective China-competition bills. As the chair of the House Science Research and Technology Subcommittee, Stevens has played a major role in putting together several parts of the America COMPETES Act. Stevens, a Michigan Democrat, spoke with Philip Athey about the upcoming conference. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. What are your biggest priorities going …  Continue Reading 

March 12, 2022

Federal investments in science are needed to reduce wildfire

by Representative Ed Perlmutter (D-CO), Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), and Representative Jerry McNerney (D-CA)

It used to be that October marked the end of wildfire season, and the most destructive fires occurred in or around forested areas. But increasingly, more Americans experience the impacts of wildfires year-round.  In 2021, nearly 50,000 wildfires were reported, which burned over  seven million acres of land. And as we saw with the Marshall fire in Boulder County, sometimes the most devastating fires can happen in suburban areas in the dead of winter. As members of Congress …  Continue Reading 

February 22, 2022

A federal coal ash strategy: putting health and safety first

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would crack down to protect public health and the environment from coal ash contamination. EPA will ramp up enforcement of its rules to prohibit companies from dumping coal ash into unlined storage pits, and to require those companies to speed up their efforts to close down the existing pits that have been shown to leak. As the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I want to see our federal …  Continue Reading 

January 14, 2022

Mapping a Strong Future for Ocean Science and Technology

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

January 05, 2022

A New Compact for S&T; Policy

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

September 14, 2021

US must not only lead in artificial intelligence, but also in its ethical application

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes referred to as a herald of the fourth industrial revolution. That revolution is already here. Whenever you say "Hey Siri" or glance at your phone in order to unlock it, you're using AI. Its current and potential applications are numerous, including medical diagnosis and predictive technologies that enhance user interactions. As chairwoman of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I am particularly interested in the potential for …  Continue Reading 

September 14, 2021

We must act on climate, and we cannot wait until the decade is out

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

When President Kennedy spoke to students at Rice University in 1962, he answered an important question after declaring, during a joint session of Congress, an American would step foot on the moon before the decade was out. The question: Why the Moon? "Why choose this as our goal?". His answer became a rallying cry for dealing with future challenges: "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." Our country made a …  Continue Reading 

September 10, 2021

Preparation for peak hurricane season must include protection against COVID-19

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher

Climate change is bringing more uncertainty in our daily lives. As the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report made clear, climate change is affecting many weather and climate events in every region across the globe. These climate extremes include more intense hurricanes with increased precipitation rates, much like what we saw with Hurricane Harvey in 2017. As we approach the peak of hurricane season, it's more important than ever to prepare yourself, your family, …  Continue Reading 

July 23, 2021

People in underserved communities innovate every day, and science should harness that ingenuity

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Across the nation, Americans innovate every day. But innovation and ingenuity do not occur only in our national labs, universities or scientific agencies. A major source of our society's capacity for creativity and ingenuity, in fact, lies among underserved communities and communities of color. Tragically, these same communities have been hit first and hardest by some of the greatest challenges we face in this country, from extreme weather and air pollution to the COVID-19 pandemic. …  Continue Reading 

July 16, 2021

To Defeat Ransomware Attacks, Build Stronger Partnerships

by Congresswoman Deborah Ross

April 27, 2021

A Bipartisan Vision for the Future of American Science

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

January 19, 2021

Investments in Ocean Observations Enable Prosperous, Sustainable Economy

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

April 10, 2020

Americans must have confidence federal agencies are using the best available science to confront coronavirus

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

November 16, 2019

What has EPA been hiding about formaldehyde?

by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

January 01, 2019

Congress Must Back NOAA's Groundbreaking Efforts

PDF- Review & Forecast: Congress Must Back NOAA's Groundbreaking …  Continue Reading 

September 06, 2018

Report on new threats targeting our elections should serve as a wake-up call to public, policymakers

August 06, 2018

Of course we can boost the economy while cutting pollution; we always have

April 26, 2018

We can’t let industry-friendly politicians cripple the EPA

January 01, 2018

Partnerships Will Encourage Novel Tech Development, Innovation

PDF - Review&Forcast:Partnerships Will Encourage Novel Tech Development, …  Continue Reading 

January 01, 2017

The New Congress Must Support Our National Ocean Policy

PDF - Review&Forcast: The New Congress Must Support Our National Ocean …  Continue Reading 

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