
Energy and Environment

Energy and Environment

The United States needs a national energy policy that will help our nation achieve energy independence and create clean energy jobs right here at home.
Health Care

Health Care

As an emergency medicine physician, I know how important it is for people in the 36th District to have access to quality, affordable health care.

U.S. Passport, U.S. Constitution, and U.S. Flag


Our immigration system is broken, however, and I am working with Democrats and Republicans toward a comprehensive immigration system that is rooted in common sense.
Jobs and the Economy

Jobs and Economy

My top priority in Congress is creating jobs.
Problem Solving

Problem Solving and Bipartisanship

People in the 36th District are sick of the partisan bickering and political gamesmanship that has led to extreme gridlock in Washington. As a doctor, I have always put people above partisanship and solutions above ideology, and those are the values I’ve brought with me to Washington.

Senior Citizens

I will always stand up for our seniors and protect Medicare and Social Security.


Veterans in the 36th District and all across the United States have served our country honorably and deserve our unwavering support.