

2nd Amendment

A strong supporter of the Second Amendment, Congressman Scalise has sponsored and cosponsored legislation protecting citizens' right to keep and bear arms. The ability of law abiding citizens to bear arms and the right to self-defense is a fundamental constitutional right of every law-abiding American.


Agriculture was a critical building block in America's foundation and has played a crucial role in the culture and economy of Louisiana and the First Congressional District. The First District is blessed with an abundance of agriculture resources, and Congressman Scalise understands the importance of protecting these invaluable resources.

Communication and Technology

Broadband internet and mobile communications networks have spurred innovative services and devices that have transformed nearly every aspect of our daily lives.


Congressman Scalise is committed to ensuring that students in Louisiana and around the country receive the highest quality education. As a state legislator and Member of Congress, he has continuously supported excellence in education at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels.


Congressman Scalise strongly believes in and fights for an ‘America first’ energy strategy that will put our country on the path to energy dominance.

Family Values

Congressman Scalise is a proven leader when it comes to protecting Louisiana's family values. Congressman Scalise was the 2017 recipient of the Louisiana Family Forum’s “Gladiator Award” for his demonstrated commitment to the principles of life, liberty, and limited government.

Health Care

Access to affordable health care is out of reach for too many people. Congressman Scalise believes that Obamacare has failed the American people and our economy. He is working with his colleagues in Congress to enact meaningful legislation that will provide patients’ rights to choose the coverage that best suits their needs.

Hurricane Recovery and Coastal Restoration

Hurricane Katrina and the numerous natural disasters that have caused destruction to our state since have reminded us how important levee protection is to our area and underscored the critical role of our coastal wetlands.


The United States was founded on immigration and it was also founded on the rule of law. Congressman Scalise wants to secure the United States' borders with stronger security, including a border wall, and supported the Trump administration’s purposeful enforcement of existing laws.


Inland waterways and harbors are important components of the nation's transportation system. Like highways and runways, our nation's 12,000-mile Mississippi inland waterway system, which funnels into the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth in Louisiana, is an important transport resource.

National Security

Congress must protect the security of the United States, both at home and abroad. America faces a diverse range of threats, from radical Islamic terrorists determined to destroy our way of life, to emboldened rogue regimes such as North Korea who seek to threaten the U.S. and our allies with the development of nuclear ballistic missiles.

Social Security

Congress has a duty to preserve the Social Security program for workers and retirees who have played by the rules and paid into Social Security throughout their careers. Congress must also work to make the program sustainable for future generations.

Taxes and Economy

For decades, Washington’s spending problem led to a tax code that hurt American families, small businesses, and our nation's economy. In 2017, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This bill creates a simpler and fairer code for all Americans.

Veterans Affairs

Congressman Scalise believes we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our nation's veterans. Throughout American history, the men and women of the armed forces have answered their nation's call to battle. These men and women have bravely sacrificed for their country and defended its freedom while risking their lives and livelihoods.

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