Meet the Ranking Member

Since he was seven, Rodney has called Taylorville, Illinois home, where he, his wife, and three kids attend church and are active in the community. Rodney’s first job was flipping burgers at his parents’ restaurant in Taylorville. He attended Millikin University in Decatur and graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House in 2012, Rodney served as Projects Director for Congressman John Shimkus for 16 years, helping Illinois citizens and communities cut through government red tape and secure federal funding. He brings his experience as a former congressional staffer to his work on the Committee with a better understanding on how the institution works and what can work better, including ensuring constituents are able to visit their Member of Congress and tour the People’s House. As a Member of Congress, Rodney was on the field during the 2017 baseball shooting and knows firsthand the need for a strong Capitol security apparatus.  

Rodney Davis is currently serving his fifth term in Congress representing the 13th District of Illinois, which covers a 14-county region that includes both urban and rural communities in central and southwestern Illinois. Rodney also serves on the Committee on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, where he is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, and the House Committee on Agriculture. 

House Administration Priorities:

Professionalize the House and make it work on behalf of the Members, staff and American People by:  

  • Bolstering faith and confidence in our nation’s decentralized election structure  
  • Ensuring accountability through a proactive approach to thorough oversight  
  • Providing responsive service and guidance that is transparent, consistent, and knowledge-based  
  • Advocating for Members and engaging with all stakeholders