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Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Pfluger Fly-By

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format This week, Democrats are again scrambling to cram through trillions of dollars of new spending for their so-called infrastructure and reconciliation bills. Each is chock-full of harmful programs that will fundamentally change our country forever—by stripping our freedoms to make us even more dependent on big government programs. Meanwhile, President Biden is in Europe vilif...

Pfluger Fly-By

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format I ask two simple questions of the President: Are you making us more secure, and are you making us more prosperous? And the answer to both of these is no. We’ve got an anti-American energy movement in this country that is going to devastate every American. It’s going to leave us cold, dark, and hungry. It’s going to embolden our adversaries, and it’s going to harm our enviro...

Pfluger Fly-By "Build Back Better" Will Demolish Small Businesses

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format "Build Back Better" Will Demolish Small Businesses Before COVID hit, we truly had the best economy in generations thanks to pro-growth, Main-Street focused polices put in place by a Republican majority. Most notably, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the standard deduction, lowered taxes for individuals across the board, cut taxes for Main-Street businesses, prioritize...

Pfluger Fly-By President Biden is lying about the Border Crisis

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link to original format President Biden is lying about the Border Crisis This week, I joined my Republican colleagues on the Homeland Security Committee in sending a letter to President Biden excoriating his administration for misleading the American people and failing to acknowledge the border crisis or secure the southern border. Not only have there been over 1.5 million illegal crossings along ...

Pfluger Fly-By Democrats Are Pandering to the Farthest Voices of the Left With Their $5 Trillion Spending Package

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format Democrats Are Pandering to the Farthest Voices of the Left With Their $5 Trillion Spending Package This week, Democrats are considering $5 trillion in new spending and radical policies to push forward their ultra-radical, harmful agenda. Some of the outrageous provisions in this spending package include giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, expanding the welfare state, and ...

Pfluger Fly-By

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format September 24, 2021 I spent last Saturday in Del Rio, TX with local and state leaders and law enforcement—what I heard, and what I saw, was devastating. There were nearly 15,000 migrants gathered at the port of entry with hundreds more gathering every hour—up from 12,000 just the day before. What I saw on the ground was worse than you can imagine as migrants sweltered in a s...

Pfluger Fly-By We Must Protect the U.S. From New and Emerging Terror Threats

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format We Must Protect the U.S. From New and Emerging Terror Threats The Biden Administration’s evacuation from Afghanistan was not only botched and heartbreaking, but is fostering a terrorist safe-haven. Our top priority must be to adapt to this rapidly changing environment by using all the tools at our disposal to anticipate and prevent future terror attacks on our homeland. Thi...

Pfluger Fly-By We Must Never Forget the Attacks of September 11, 2021

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format We Must Never Forget the Attacks of September 11, 2021 Over the weekend, we stopped to remember the attacks on our homeland that forever changed our country and took 2,977 American lives. September 11, 2001, "the day the world stopped turning," is forever cemented in our minds. We all remember where we were when we heard the news of the Twin Towers struck by airplanes and t...

Pfluger Fly-By Demanding Accountability for Biden's Afghanistan Disaster

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format Demanding Accountability for Biden's Afghanistan Disaster This week, President Biden ordered the last plane carrying American troops to depart from Kabul, breaking his promise that no American will be left behind. I cannot imagine the hopeless despair of the hundreds of Americans that President Biden abandoned. I was in Washington D.C. this week demanding the following: Pre...

Pfluger Fly-By The Unmitigated Disaster in Afghanistan Must Be a Wake-Up Call to Every American

| Posted in Pfluger Fly-By Newsletter

Link of original format The Unmitigated Disaster in Afghanistan Must Be a Wake-Up Call to Every American As a 20-year Air Force veteran who flew dozens of combat missions over the Middle East and now a member of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, it is heartbreaking to watch the destruction of Afghanistan—a place where we spent nearly two decades expending blood and treasure fighting the Ta...