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Congressman Keating petting a dog.


As a lifelong animal lover and the proud guardian of two dogs, Bill is a strong advocate for domestic and wild animals alike. He is an active member of the Animal Protection Caucus and has consistently earned a 100% rating from the Humane Society.


From our historic agricultural traditions of fishing and cranberries to the region’s role as a hub of emerging industries, such as clean energy initiatives and bio-tech, Southeast Massachusetts has great opportunity for economic growth.

Congressman Keating speaking to a group of people.


Ensuring that America’s students receive a quality education has long been a top priority for Bill, who strongly supports robust federal funding for educational programs at all ages. A strong education system is essential to assuring that our students become part of a skilled workforce prepared to compete in our increasing global economy.


Bill strongly supports energy policies that increase the use of clean, renewable sources, such as solar and wind; decrease our reliance on fossil fuels; create hundreds of clean energy jobs throughout Massachusetts; and lead to important cost-savings for our local municipalities.


Bill has long been a champion for environmental conservation. In the face of a changing climate, he believes is critical to invest in both conservation and coastal restoration initiatives.


The fishing industry remains one of the most historic and economically important industries in all of New England. Yet the challenges facing Massachusetts’s fishermen are as complex and dynamic as the marine ecosystems on which the industry depends.


As a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Bill works to review and shape U.S. foreign policy on a wide variety of issues, including the conflicts in the Middle East, international economic policy, and relations with European Union member states. On the Committee, he serves as the Chairman of the Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber subcommittee.


Throughout his entire career – from time as a member of the Massachusetts legislature to Norfolk County District Attorney to now in Congress – Bill has supported responsible gun control legislation.  He supports background checks before all gun purchases, in addition to stemming illegal possession or transfer of firearms and improving safety technologies like personalized weapons and trigger lo

Congressman Keating talking to a doctor.


Bill believes that access to high-quality, affordable healthcare is a basic human right. While he was not in Congress when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was voted on in 2009, he is a strong proponent of health care reform as originated in Massachusetts, which has been an unrivaled success.

Judiciary and Civil Rights


As a strong advocate for equal rights, Bill has always worked to oppose discrimination of all forms.


Bill is a strong advocate for organized labor and credits unions with support for our country’s middle class and workplace protections.  Workers who are unionized are often paid more than their nonunion counterparts and are covered by workplace-related health insurance.  Strong unions translate into fairer treatment for workers, including hours, pay, and leave time.


Bill is a strong supporter of equal rights for all, and believes that discrimination has no place in American society. For that reason, he has continually supported LGBTQ rights throughout his time in Congress.


As a member of both the House Foreign Affairs and House Homeland Security Committee, Bill has direct oversight over our nation’s most urgent security concerns.


Prescription drug abuse is a uniquely American problem that is not limited to geography or demographic. Our country accounts for less than five percent of the world’s population but consumes over 80 percent of the world’s opioids and 99 percent of its hydrocodone. That translates into 46 people a day dying from a prescription drug overdose.


As former District Attorney of Norfolk County, Bill understands the vital role that our police, firefighters, and emergency responders play in keeping our community safe. He has continually supported our local public safety departments throughout his time in Congress.


After decades of hard work, saving, and planning, many seniors are not enjoying the stable, safe retirement they deserve.  In 2013, almost half of all adults aged 65 and older were living below the poverty level.


Since coming to Congress, Bill has continuously fought for men and women engaged in traditional and emerging industries throughout Massachusetts.

Congressman Keating standing with military veterans.


The service and sacrifice of our veterans and their families must not be overlooked.  As President Lincoln said in his second Inaugural address, “…to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”  Bill believes this is our obligation to all those who have brav


Bill Keating is pro-choice and proud to have consistently received a 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America.