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Pfluger Demands Answers from Credit Card Companies Infringing on 2A Rights

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Washington, D.C. — Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) today joined Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and 100 Republicans in demanding answers from credit card companies Visa, American Express, and Mastercard over the implementation of a classification of gun sales, to ensure this is not used to track law-abiding gun owners or infringe on their Constitutional rights. The letter is support by the Nationa...

Pfluger on Inflation: The Democrats' anti-American energy agenda is crushing American families

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Washington, D.C. — Tuesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following the report that prices spiked 8.3% in August 2022, higher than expected. Rep. August Pfluger: “The August 2022 8.3% price hikes are even worse than expected—and largely driven by the extreme uptick in the price of energy and food. Gas utility bills are up 33% and electricity is 15.8% more expensive than i...

Pfluger Introduces Protecting the Permian Basin Act of 2022

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Oil Rig

Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) is proud to introduce the Protecting the Permian Basin Act of 2022, a bill to strike down the Democrats’ latest attack on the oil and gas industry. Pfluger’s bill repeals a harmful tax on oil and gas producers that was included in the Democrats’ Inflation ‘Expansion’ Act. Rep. Pfluger: “The current worldwide energy crisis is so bad that Europeans have returned to...

Pfluger Announces Election Security Legislation

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Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) announced his support for the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act. The ACE Act is a comprehensive plan to repair election administration and integrity issues and protect free speech while respecting the Constitution and conservative principles. Rep. August Pfluger: “The future of the United States depends on secure elections, and conservatives in Congress ...

Pfluger: Washington bureaucrats and Big Tech giants cannot be allowed to serve as the arbiters of truth

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Washington, D.C. — Wednesday, Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s statements on Joe Rogan’s podcast admitting that Facebook censored the Hunter Biden laptop story: “Mark Zuckerberg flippantly admitting that Facebook censored the Hunter Biden laptop story supposedly at the request of the FBI should alarm every American regardless of their political ...

Pfluger: Student loans are not forgiven—they will be paid for by the American taxpayer.

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Washington, D.C. — Wednesday, Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement on President Biden’s unconstitutional plan to transfer student loans to the American taxpayer: “President Biden is desperately trying to buy voters with his ridiculous and unconstitutional push to ‘forgive’ student loans. These loans are not forgiven—they will be paid for by you, the American taxpayer. This move is a sl...

Pfluger: Thanks to Coach Gaines, the legend of Friday Night Lights will continue to excite and unite our district with the spirit of high school football

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Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement on the legacy of Odessa Permian Football Coach Gary Gaines: “Coach Gary Gaines is nothing less than legendary. From playing quarterback at Angelo State University to coaching high school and college football in Denver City, San Angelo, Abilene, Amarillo, Petersburg, Lubbock, Fort Stockton, Monahans, and ...

Pfluger: Retirement will not save Dr. Fauci from answering to the American people

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Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement after Dr. Anthony Fauci’s announcement that he will be retiring at the end of the year: “Dr. Fauci's retirement does not mean he will escape accountability. Americans deserve a complete and thorough investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and Dr. Fauci’s misconstrued data that kept kids o...

Pfluger and House Foreign Affairs Committee Release Report on Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

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WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) joined House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul in releasing an interim report entitled, “A ‘Strategic Failure’: Assessing the Administration’s Afghanistan Withdrawal.” The 115-page report examines the Biden administration’s decisions and actions in detail—from the announcement of the President’s decision to withdraw to the...

Rep. Pfluger: One year after chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, threat of terror attacks is higher than ever

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WASHINGTON, DC –Monday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement on the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal: “Today marks one year since President Biden’s chaotic and shameful Afghanistan withdrawal that allowed the Taliban to quickly reassert control over the country for the first time in 20 years, and resulted in the killing of 13 U.S. service ...

Pfluger: Americans asked for lower prices, Democrats delivered higher taxes

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WASHINGTON, DC – Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) delivered impassioned remarks on the U.S. House of Representatives Floor, moments before he voted against the “Inflation Reduction Act”. Rep. Pfluger spoke against the disastrous effects this legislation would have on working families, small businesses, and American energy producers. Watch Pfluger’s remarks here, or read a transcript belo...

Rep. Pfluger Statement on FBI Raid of Mar-A-Lago

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WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following the FBI raid of former President Trump’s home in Mar-A-Lago: Rep. August Pfluger: “America’s trust in our Justice Department has reached its lowest point in history. If this raid deals with President Trump’s handling of documents, then every American needs to wake up and understand the magnitude of this event - a continuat...

Pfluger: Senate Democrats do not care about American workers, producers, businesses

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WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act”. Rep. August Pfluger: “Senate Democrats just can’t help but spend more American tax dollars for a grab bag of liberal priorities. “Last year, Democrats gave the American people a $1,400 stimulus check that ended up costing every individual an extra $5,200...

ICYMI: Biden’s attacks on fossil fuel will harm Permian Basin

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Originally Published in the Houston Chronicle on July 28, 2022 It is not often that President Biden follows through on his promises. However, there is one he is determined to deliver on: his campaign pledge to “end fossil fuels” and his continuing down this path despite the high energy prices that are driving up costs on everything from gas to groceries, wreaking havoc on the budgets of all Americ...

Pfluger Votes to Protect Second Amendment

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WASHINGTON, DC – Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement after voting no on the Democrats’ attempt to strip the Second Amendment: Rep. August Pfluger: “I am opposed to any infringement on the Second Amendment. In the long history of mankind, freedom and liberty are not lost overnight – it comes by way of the slow and gradual burn. We’ve seen an assault on the First Amendmen...