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Committees and Caucuses

As a member of the House Committee on the Budget, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I deal with many issues that are of great importance to the residents of the 8th District of New Jersey.

On the Foreign Affairs Committee, I am the Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, and Trade and a member of the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and the Environment. These Subcommittees have jurisdiction in these particular regions to conduct foreign relations with the U.S.; draft legislation with respect to disaster relief and foreign loans; administer foreign military sales and security pacts; oversee human rights practices and environmental policies; and supervise United Nations and foreign assistance activities.

On the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am a member of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit and the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials. These Subcommittees have jurisdiction over the nation's highways, public transportation, transportation security, highway safety, rail security, Amtrak, passenger and freight rail infrastructure, and movement of hazardous materials.

Please visit the following sites for the latest hearings, news and information on these Committees and Subcommittees.

Caucuses and Coalitions

A congressional caucus is a group of members of the United States Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives. Formally, caucuses are formed as congressional member organizations (CMOs) through the United States House of Representatives and governed under the rules of that chamber. They are not always called caucuses, and are sometimes titled coalitions, study groups, task forces, or working groups.   I am currently a member of the following caucuses:


Congressional Taiwan Caucus, Co-Chair-  The Congressional Taiwan Caucus works in a bipartisan way to enhance and strengthen U.S.-Taiwan relations and to ensure that Taiwan continues to be a free, democratic country.

Community College CaucusMember- The Community College Caucus recognizes the important and distinctive role community colleges play in the American Education system. Members support and promote dialogue on ways to improve our nation’s community colleges.

Congressional Autism Caucus, Member- The Congressional Autism Caucus seeks to increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders and bring together public, private, and government entities to pursue legislative initiatives that will advance treatments and understanding of autism.

Congressional Portuguese-American CaucusMember-  The Congressional Portuguese-American Caucus works to strengthen ties between the United States and Portugal and increase awarness of the achievements of over 1 million Americans of Portugese descent.  

Congressional Academic Medicine CaucusMember- The Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus is dedicated to maintaining and strengthening our nation's reputation as having the world's most advanced medical care. Members strive to educate their colleagues on the unique health care, research, and training missions of teaching hospitals and medical schools.

Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, Member- The Congressional Animal Protection Caucus is a bipartisan organization committed to raising awareness of animal welfare issues in Congress.

Congressional Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) Caucus, Member – The Congressional Act Caucus focuses on bringing greater visibility to the need for and challenges faced by family caregivers.

Congressional Bike CaucusMember- The Congressional Bike Caucus works on behalf of cyclists, actively working for safer roads, more bikeways, convenient bike parking and increased recognition of the importance of cycling for transportation and recreation.

Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Member - The Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues seeks to maintain and strengthen the U.S.-Armenia partnership. 

Congressional Caucus on Foster YouthMember- The Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth provides a forum for Members of Congress to discuss and develop policy recommendations to strengthen the child welfare system and improve the overall well-being of youth and families.

Congressional Caucus on Hellenic IssuesMember- The Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues works to foster and improve relations between the United States and Greece. The Caucus brings a renewed congressional focus on key diplomatic, military, and human rights issues in a critical part of the world. 

Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-AmericansMember-  This caucus recognizes India as a vital partner in advancing our mutual interests, shared values in championing strong ties between the U.S. and India, and the growing Indian-American community in the U.S

Congressional Cuba Democracy CaucusMember- The bicameral Cuba Democracy Caucus promotes discussion and proactive policies designed to hasten Cuba's transition towards a free and democratic society. 

Congressional Diabetes Caucus, Member – The Congressional Diabetes Caucus is the largest caucus in Congress and aims to educate Members and staff about diabetes, as well as support diabetes research, education and treatment.

Congressional European Union Caucus, Member-  The Congressional European Union Caucus aims to increase cooperation between the United States and European Member States. 

Congressional Fire Services Caucus, Member – The Congressional Fire Services Caucus is one of the largest caucuses in Congress. The caucus supports fire service legislation that will benefit fire departments and first responders.

Congressional Former Mayors CaucusMember- The Congressional Former Mayors Caucus highlights the issues impacting our nation's cities. The Former Mayors Caucus creates a forum for former Mayors to effectively address the broad range of policy issues impacting cities and towns throughout the country.

Congressional Friends of Spain CaucusMember- The Congressional Friends of Spain Caucus aims to bring members of both parties together to strengthen, political, economic, and cultural ties between the United States and Spain. 

Congressional Hispanic CaucusMember- The Congressional Hispanic Caucus aims to address national and international issues and the impact these policies pertaining to these issues has on the Hispanic Community.

Congressional Historic Preservation CaucusMember- Members of the Congressional Historic Preservation Caucus work to encourage the preservation and thoughtful economic development of historic places in their districts and states as a matter of national policy. 

Congressional Lupus Caucus, Member – The Congressional Lupus Caucus seeks to engage in informative dialogue on ways to improve quality of life for lupus patients by supporting lupus research and increasing awareness.

Congressional Medicare for All Caucus, Member – The Congressional Medicare for All Caucus aims to promote policies that will create greater access to affordable, quality healthcare and provide a forum for creating a Medicare for All program.

Congressional National Parks Caucus, Member – The National Parks Caucus is committed to ensuring that our national parks have the resources they need to continue to be some of the greatest treasures on the planet.

Congressional Real Estate CaucusMember- The Congressional Real Estate Caucus serves as a forum for members of Congress and real estate professionals to discuss federal policy and its impact on the nation's real estate industry.

Congressional Research & Development Caucus, Member – The Research and Development Caucus aims to highlight the importance of scientific research and development and continued federal investment in these efforts.

Congressional Urban CaucusMember- The mission of the Congressional Urban Caucus is to bring together Members who represent the nation’s metropolitan areas to help create a policy roadmap. The members of the Urban Caucus intend to foster discussion about the health of the nation’s metropolitan areas through policy forums, legislative proposals, and advocacy.

Independent College Caucus, Member- The Congressional Independent College Caucus seeks to celebrat ethe contribution of private, non-profit colleges and universities. 

Green Schools Caucus, Member- The Green Schools Caucus was formed as a way to educate and inform members of Congress on the enormous impact they have on our nation’s approach to new and existing school buildings. The Caucus empowers federal legislators to work together and with their constituents to take advantage of opportunities to make our schools greener, our students and teachers healthier and our communities stronger. 

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, Member- The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force strives to develop a comprehensive set of policy principles that reduce gun violence while also respecting the 2nd Amendment Rights of law-abiding Americans.

High Speed Rail and Intercity Passenger Rail Caucus, Member- Members of the High Speed Rail and Intercity Rail Caucus seek to create a nationwide network of railways that rivals the interstate highway system. 

House Impact Aid CoalitionMember- Members of the Impact Aid coalition promote a dialogue regarding the benefits aid has in the areas of education, healthcare, defense and labor, and armed services.

Humane Bond Caucus, Member - The Humane Bond Caucus provides a forum to promote the humane treatment of animals and discuss protections against abuse.

International Religious Freedom Caucus, Member-  The Caucus was established in 2006 to ensure that religious freedom, which was so foundational to America's democratic history, remains a priority in U.S. foreign policy, international development, and refugee law.

Latino-Jewish Congressional CaucusMember- Members of the Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus aim to unite interests and values held by the Latino and Jewish communities. Members recognize the importance of these two communities, with efforts aimed at building an even stronger relationship.

Livable Communities Task ForceMember- The Livable Communities Task Force recognizes that federal policies – from transportation to tax incentives to environmental regulations and everything in between – have a profound effect on the livability of communities. This Task Force seeks to identify the ways in which the federal government can affect community livability and improve Americans’ quality of life.

New Americans Caucus, Member- The New Americans Caucus is a bipartisan caucus that aims to celebrate and highlight new Americans' contribution to American public life. 

Out of Poverty Caucus, Member- The COPC was formed in response to the rising numbers of Americans falling out of the middle class and into poverty due to the failed economic policies of the Bush Administration. Legislative priorities focus on reducing employment, improving education, and reducing hunger.

Rare Disease Congressional Caucus, Member – The Rare Disease Congressional Caucus is a forum for members of Congress to voice constituent concerns, share ideas, and build support for legislation that will improve the lives of people with rare diseases.

The PORTS CaucusMember-  The mission of the Congressional PORTS Caucus is to promote the importance of our ports to the nation’s economy and the need to secure them. United States ports support 13.3 million jobs and account for $3.15 trillion in business activity to the economy.

STEM Education Caucus, Member - The STEM Education Caucus advocates the improvement of STEM education in our country and works to strengthen education at every level. 

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Member- Members of this bipartisan caucus promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms in a nonpartisan manner.