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Climate Change

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), held in Paris, France, concluded on December 12th with a progressive agreement amongst the 195 participating nations to work towards reducing the negative impacts of climate change.


Congress must come together to craft reform that will resolve the flaws in our current system to create one that will treat all people equally, humanely, and compassionately.


Americans across the country have felt the effects of our economy’s serious downturn, starting with the housing and credit crisis, and growing into a financial crisis across the globe. I remain committed to improving our current economic outlook by supporting legislation that will help New Jersey’s families, stimulate our economy, and create jobs.


Education is the cornerstone of opportunity. We must do more as a country to support education by strengthening our schools, fully funding special education, and modernizing our classrooms. It is important to reduce class size, ensure every student can attend college, and make sure that we have the best trained, most qualified teachers in the world.

Equal Rights

In June 2015, our Nation took a step forward when the Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional for states to ban same-sex marriage. Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people is intolerable and is not in line with our American values.

Foreign Affairs

I believe that basic human rights and fundamental freedoms must be upheld and respected around the world, in every nation and in every community. No child should have to suffer unnecessarily simply because of where he or she was born. I also believe that poverty is one of the root causes of extremism around the globe.

Gun Violence Prevention

I am deeply concerned with the continued gun violence in our country and I support enacting and enforcing sensible regulations to reduce gun violence.

Health Care

Every American deserves access to quality, affordable health care. Without access to affordable health care, our children cannot learn properly, parents cannot be as productive at work, and our seniors are forced to choose between food, shelter, or medical care.

Homeland Security

New Jersey’s 8th District is home to what is considered to be the most dangerous two-mile stretch in the country. With one of the largest ports in the country, chemical plants, the Newark Airport, and critical transportation infrastructure, securing this region is of great importance to the communities I represent and to the nation.


The foundation of the American Dream is to have a home to call your own. Unfortunately, the booming housing market in previous years allowed too many individuals to buy a home that they could not afford with loans that were not appropriate given their financial circumstances.

Scientific Discovery

Scientific progress and technological innovation are critical to ensuring the future competitiveness of our country. This requires continued and reliable investment in scientific research and development, as well as in STEM education.


I am a steadfast advocate for American’s seniors and the issues they care about, including retirement security, the health of Medicare, and the high cost of prescription drugs.


Current information and resources regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak can be found here.

Tax Reform

Increasing national debt coupled with the expansive maze of tax expenditures has highlighted the real need for tax reform.

Transportation and Member Project Requests

Transportation touches every facet of our lives. If any part of the transportation system breaks down, we feel the impact immediately. Investment in our transportation modes is vital to enhancing our economy, increasing our safety, maintaining our global competitiveness, and most importantly improving our quality of life. Through my work on the House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am actively working on transportation issues that are important to the 8th District.


Since I became a member of Congress, I have worked to ensure that all our veterans are given access to affordable housing, healthcare, and tuition assistance. With our aging veteran population and so many new veterans returning home, I am committed to providing veterans and their families with the care and benefits they deserve.


The wage gap among men and women is still prevalent and American women make approximately 78 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn. The pay gap for female minorities is even greater. I voted for, and Congress passed, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, giving women the right to seek legal redress for wage discrimination.