Press Releases

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  • Rice Announces $3.15 Million in Security Grant Funding for Local Jewish Nonprofits
    Posted in Press Releases on August 25, 2022 | Preview rr

    GARDEN CITY, NY - Today, U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded $3.15 million for security enhancements to 16 Jewish nonprofit organizations in New York's Fourth Congressional District. The funding was awarded through DHS's Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), which supports target hardening and physical security enhancements for nonprofit organizations that are at a higher risk of a terrorist ... Read more

  • Rice Votes to Pass Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
    Posted in Press Releases on August 12, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) released the following statement after voting favor of H.R.5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: “Today, I proudly voted in favor of the Inflation Reduction Act. This historic piece of legislation will lower costs for working families, make prescription drugs and health insurance more affordable, and accelerate our transition to clean and renewable energy, all while reducing the deficit by $300 billion—the largest down payment towards t... Read more

  • Reps. Rice, Meeks, Suozzi, Zeldin, and Garbarino Introduce Bipartisan COVID-19 Commuter Benefits Distribution Act
    Posted in Press Releases on May 13, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Representatives Kathleen Rice (NY-04), Gregory W. Meeks (NY-05), Tom Suozzi (NY-03), Lee Zeldin (NY-01), and Andrew Garbarino (NY-02) yesterday introduced the COVID-19 Commuter Benefits Distribution Act. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is leading the companion bill in the Senate with Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as an original co-sponsor. This bipartisan, bicameral bill will provide targeted relief for workers who have accumulated commuter benefits that they can no longer use... Read more

  • Rice Statement on Antisemitism at Rockville Centre Board Meeting
    Posted in Press Releases on April 11, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON –U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) today released the following statement regarding the Rockville Centre Board Meeting. “I am appalled by the antisemitism on display at last week’s Rockville Centre Board meeting. I denounce the thinly veiled attempt to use local zoning laws to exclude Orthodox Jews from our community and I hope all involved will work to protect the religious freedom of our constituents.” Read more

  • Rice, Schumer Deliver Millions of Dollars to Local Community Projects
    Posted in Press Releases on March 15, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON –President Biden today signed the bipartisan Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations omnibus into law. The bill, which Representative Rice and Senator Schumer voted for, includes $14,235,000 in Community Project Funding that will directly benefit New York’s 4th Congressional District. “I don’t often get to vote on legislation that has such an enormous and immediate impact on my district,” said Representative Rice. “These investments will help increase our education resources, protect our loca... Read more

  • Rice Applauds Inclusion of Nonprofit Security Grants and Israel Defense Funds in Omnibus Appropriations Package
    Posted in Press Releases on March 11, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON –U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) today released the following statement regarding the bicameral and bipartisan passage of the Fiscal Year 2022 omnibus appropriations agreement. The legislation includes a 39% increase in funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which helps secure nonprofits and houses of worship against terrorism. “We are seeing a national rise in racist and antisemitic violence, and I commend the Appropriations Committee for recognizing the need for... Read more

  • Rice Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address
    Posted in Press Releases on March 1, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY) issued the following statement today after attending President Biden’s first State of the Union address. “President Biden’s address exemplifies the steady, bipartisan approach that our country needs. I am particularly grateful for this leadership as we face an international crisis. His fierce stance against Vladimir Putin and quick action in coordinating global sanctions against Russia have helped reestablish the United States as a respected ... Read more

  • Rice Joins Democratic Delegation to Israel
    Posted in Press Releases on February 19, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON –U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) will join a Democratic delegation to Israel to meet with leadership and learn more about issues critical to our national interests and global security. “I am thrilled to join my colleagues on this important trip.” said Representative Rice, “Israel is our closest and most critical ally in the Middle East, and there are invaluable insights to be gained by visiting the region and meeting with its leadership firsthand.” The delegation will meet w... Read more

  • Rice Statement on Passage of the America COMPETES Act
    Posted in Press Releases on February 4, 2022 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) today voted YES for the America COMPETES Act. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 222-210. The package will bolster American competitiveness against China, create good-paying manufacturing jobs, and boost federal investments in scientific and engineering research. It also fully funds the CHIPS Act to increase domestic manufacturing and strengthen supply chains for microchips and semiconductors, critical technologies for... Read more

  • Rice Calls on County Executive to Provide Free Rides to Warming Centers
    Posted in Press Releases on January 20, 2022 | Preview rr

    GARDEN CITY, NY – With temperatures set to drop below freezing, Representative Kathleen Rice (NY-04) today sent a letter to Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman urging the County to provide free rides to Warming Centers for unsheltered Nassau County residents via the Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) bus system and to review the Department of Social Services’ process for emergency shelter in dangerous weather conditions. “We cannot wait for an unsheltered person to freeze to death before we a... Read more