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Defense and National Security

I believe that the fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to provide for our mutual defense. Recent world events in the Middle-east and North Africa illustrate that we still live in a dangerous world. Hostilities are growing in many corners of the world. History assures us that another security crisis will come. When it does, it is absolutely essential that we be prepared. We must keep our military strong. We must provide our troops with the tools that they need to succeed.

President Obama has neglected the military during his administration. As recent events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria have shown, the world is not ready for a smaller U.S. military. Now we have seen what happens when the U.S. refuses to honor its obligation as the world’s only superpower, a nation that has stood for something rare and exceptional for generations. 

As an Air Force veteran and your Congressman, I am dedicated to ensuring your security and well-being. I can guarantee that no stone will remain unturned as I work to protect American families. Additionally, I am fully aware of the need for government scrutiny and have committed myself to pursuing responsible military spending. By closing overseas bases and streamlining operations, the military can sustain some reductions in spending without hurting national security. I am fully dedicated to safeguarding American safety both home and abroad.

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