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Energy and Environment

With over 30 miles of coastline in the 48th District, our beautiful beaches are some of Orange County’s most wonderful amenities. It’s a top priority of mine to ensure our beaches, harbors, and oceans stay clean. It’s up to us to protect our coastal communities, boating, and tourism for future generations.

 At the same time, we must support a free-market approach to encourage innovations that will keep energy prices from skyrocketing and reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy. We must also make investments that will help our country lead the world in the development and production of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies. I believe innovations that are safer, cleaner, and cheaper will lead to better-paying jobs.

In addition to its economic importance, energy is also a national security concern. We must ensure that we safeguard energy production to support our military at home and abroad.

 As your Representative, I will continue to work with local stakeholders and across party lines on policies that will benefit our region’s economic development and local environment.