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Stop the High-Speed Money Pit Act

The California High-Speed Rail Project is a failure. Costs have continued to rise, while people and businesses have lost their properties, and the sections of the high-speed rail that do exist are inoperable. The project started in 2009, with the goal of building a high-speed rail train from Los Angeles to San Francisco that would be fully operable by 2020. After more than a decade, the project’s price tag has ballooned from about $33 billion to more than $100 billion with no segments in operation and no realistic timeline for when the rail line will be completed. Despite these failures and no evidence supporting that completion of this project is attainable, California is pinning their hopes on a bailout from the Federal Government to secure additional funding for this project.

Stop the High-Speed Money Pit Act

The California High-Speed Rail Project has squandered taxpayer dollars for far too long. H.R. 1472, Stop the High-Speed Money Pit Act, would prohibit federal funds from going toward the California High-Speed Rail project. Read more about the bill here

Speaking at a T&I Markup about the High-Speed Rail Project 

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Cosponsors: (last updated 5/10/21)

Rep. McCarthy, Kevin [R-CA-23]
Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-42]
Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]
Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-22]
Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-25]
Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-50]
Rep. Kim, Young [R-CA-39]
Rep. McClintock, Tom [R-CA-4]
Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]
Rep. Crawford, Eric A. "Rick" [R-AR-1]
Rep. Obernolte, Jay [R-CA-8]
Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10]
Rep. Gallagher, Mike [R-WI-8]