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Rep. Steel's Remarks on Memorial Day 2022

Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA) delivered remarks in honor of Memorial Day. Rep. Steel's remarks as prepared are below:

"Thank you to the VFW for putting this event together and thank you all for being here this morning to commemorate Memorial Day.

We’re reminded today of a simple, but profound truth: that freedom is not free.

As a first generation American, I am thankful to be living my American dream and I truly believe that this is the greatest country in the world.

But our amazing country and the freedoms it provides wouldn’t exist without the incredible sacrifice of those who have given their lives in its service.

There is not much we can say to honor these brave heroes that has not been said before, and we will never be able to repay their sacrifice.

But we can and must always dedicate ourselves to honoring their memory.

We do that by exercising the rights that they gave their lives to defend.

We do that by living full lives, committed to serving others and making our society and world better for future generations.

We do that by keeping our promises to our veterans and our military families.

From the beaches of Normandy to the jungles of Vietnam, our troops have given all in service to their country time and again.

Today, we take a moment to remember their service, to honor their legacy, and to humbly say “thank you.”

May God bless our troops."
