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Sep 15, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02), co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Labor Caucus, released the following statement after President Biden and Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh announced a tentative agreement between railway unions and major rail companies early this morning:

Aug 12, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02), voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act.

In The News

Jul 3, 2018 In The News
Over the past year, President Donald Trump has turned Immigration and Customs Enforcement into a mass deportation force to support his political agenda, so misusing the agency that it’s no longer effective. In response, I’m proposing legislation to abolish ICE and transfer its legitimate functions to other government agencies.
Jul 2, 2018 In The News
With the President grossly misusing ICE and the agency broken beyond repair, I'm proposing legislation to abolish the agency. Specifically, my bill would dissolve ICE within six months and create a commission to provide recommendations to Congress on how the US government can implement a humane immigration enforcement system that upholds the dignity of all individuals. The commission would then transfer necessary functions that do not violate basic human rights to other agencies.
Nov 30, 2017 In The News
The Senate tax bill truly is a matter of life or death for the millions of Americans who could lose access to health coverage under this plan. With enough public pressure, Senate Republicans might feel compelled to stand up to the endless greed of their donors and stop their unrelenting attack on what we all hold dear — our health.
Oct 10, 2017 In The News
For nearly three years, the United States has been participating alongside a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in a brutal military campaign in Yemen. The United States is selling the Saudi monarchy missiles and warplanes, assisting in the coalition’s targeting selection for aerial bombings and actively providing midair refueling for Saudi and United Arab Emirates jets that conduct indiscriminate airstrikes— the leading cause of civilian casualties. Meanwhile, the Saudi coalition is starving millions of Yemenis as a grotesque tactic of war.
Feb 28, 2017 In The News
As my Democratic colleagues and I attend tonight’s speech, we will be accompanied by DREAMers like Lupe; Muslim Americans like Aneelah Afzali, a longtime local community activist whose mosque was vandalized after the election; and Hameed Darweesh, an Iraqi interpreter who was detained at an airport due to Trump’s travel ban. We believe that the president should have to look our brothers and sisters in the eyes—fellow Americans caught in the cross hairs of bigotry —before he offers up clichés about inclusion and understanding.

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