Sen. Jeff Merkley Says President Trump Deserves “No Credit” for Speaking Out Against White Supremacists

Sen. Jeff Merkley Says President Trump Deserves “No Credit” for Speaking Out Against White Supremacists

Two days after violent white-supremacists rallied in Charlottesville, Va., President Donald Trump managed to condemn "racism" as "evil."

By:  Rachel Monahan

After a two-day delay and a deluge of bipartisan outrage, President Donald Trump today criticized hate groups responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, Va.

"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to all that we hold dear as Americans," he said, speaking from the White House.

But that statement didn't quiet the president's critics.

Oregon's junior Senator Jeff Merkley tweeted that the president's delay was the notable part of his response, not the fact that he finally got around to it.

Senator Jeff Merkley 


.@realDonaldTrump gets no credit for finally, under duress, meeting very low bar of denouncing Nazis. Actions speak louder than words…

3:06 PM - Aug 14, 2017

Merkley continued: "Let's see action on Bannon and Miller, voter suppression, criminal justice, rights of immigrants and treatment of refugees."

It's not the first time the president has tried to dodge criticizing the hateful views held by some of his supporters. The New York Times over the weekend offered a run-down of Trump's carefully chosen words about white hate.

Over the weekend, Trump had condemned the violence on "many sides."

Trump also never personally Tweeted or spoke out about the Portland MAX train slaying, though the presidential Twitter account, generally viewed as the words of staff, offered condolences.