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First Responders & Law Enforcement

A Vivid Example of What It Means To Be Soft-on-Crime

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This is a vivid example of what it means to be soft-on-crime. The man who literally tried to stab Rep. Lee Zeldin yesterday was quickly released within hours of the attack. For those who haven't heard this news, Rep. Zeldin is running for the governor of New York State. Yesterday, he was giving a campaign speech in the city of Perinton, near Rochester. Out of nowhere, according to video and eye-wi...

Spartanburg County Sheriff's Deputy Austin Aldridge

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Utterly heartbreaking news this morning. I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Spartanburg County Sheriff's Deputy Austin Aldridge, who was on duty and responding to a domestic incident when he was ambushed and shot yesterday afternoon. Deputy Aldridge was rushed to Spartanburg Regional Medical Center for care, but tragically passed away last night. There are simply no words that can expre...

What’s Your Solution, Ralph?

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“What’s your solution, Ralph?” I get that question all the time, especially when I talk about wasteful spending in Congress and our $30 trillion in federal debt. Friends, our nation is heading for financial ruin. I’m so tired of being asked to vote “yes” on new spending bills with no offsets. I’m tired of bloated, wasteful government. I’m tired of agency heads who claim they can't do with one less...

San Francisco Finally Got It Right, for a Change

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I know we make fun of San Francisco for their utter lunacy on so many issues. But honestly: their voters got it right yesterday. There was a special election on Tuesday to recall San Francisco's far-left district attorney. (Remember: a district attorney is the public servant responsible for prosecuting crimes in his/her area.) Chesa Boudin is the name of the district attorney in San Francisco. Bou...

It’s National Police Week

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Police Week 2022

As loudly as I can say this: THANK GOD for our law enforcement officers. It’s National Police Week. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record when it comes to supporting law enforcement, but I think we’re living in odd times right now: Across the nation, too many categories of violent crime are on the rise. Too many parents are not raising their children correctly. Too many prosecutors and judge...

Congratulations, Sheriff Dorsey!

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Chester County Sheriff Max Dorsey

Sheriff of the Year! Please join me in congratulating Sheriff Max Dorsey of the Chester County Sheriff's Office. He was just named the 2022 Sheriff of the Year by the South Carolina Sheriffs' Association! I'm proud to know Sheriff Dorsey both professionally and personally, and can honestly say Chester County is well-served by his leadership and the INCREDIBLE men and women in his department. Well...

Rep. Ralph Norman to Host Special Forum for Law Enforcement in Camden on Tuesday

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This coming Tuesday, April 19th at 3:30 PM, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman will host a special law enforcement forum at the Woolard Technology Center in Camden, SC. The purpose of this forum is to hear from law enforcement officers about the issues important to them. Additionally, experts from SLED, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy will discuss a w...

Special Law Enforcement Forum on April 19th

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ATTN: law enforcement officers and agencies – please join me for a special forum in Camden on Tuesday, April 19th. This event will start at 3:30 PM at the Woolard Technology Center, located at 70 Innovation Way in Camden. We’ll cover a wide variety of law enforcement topics, including crime trends throughout our congressional district, the rise in fentanyl & other illicit drugs, plus insights into...

REPLAY: Joint Tele-Town Hall w/ Rep. Jeff Duncan and Rep. William Timmons

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A very special thanks to Congressman Jeff Duncan and Rep. William Timmons! The three of us hosted an incredible joint tele-town hall on April 5th, with tens of thousands of constituents joining us on the phone from back home in South Carolina. There were many great questions about inflation, illegal immigration, Ukraine, and other issues facing our country. You can catch a full replay of this even...

Huge Win for First Responders

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FIRST RESPONDERS: we had a huge win in the House of Representatives earlier this week. Almost a year ago, I co-sponsored a bill in the House known as the “Putting First Responders First Act.” The purpose of that bill was to help police, fire and EMS personnel who are injured in the line of duty. Under existing law, if a first responder is injured on the job and is unable to work, disability compen...