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Lowering the cost of healthcare is the number one priority I hear from constituents across Burlington and Ocean Counties. I believe that healthcare is a human right, and we have an obligation to ensure all families have access to high quality care and affordable prescription drugs.

That’s why I have:

  • Voted to allow Medicare to negotiate down the cost of prescription drugs;
  • Authored legislation to create a first-of-its-kind annual out-of-pocket cap for seniors in Medicare Part D;
  • Authored legislation to support states like New Jersey that have created their own state-based insurance marketplaces (like GetCoveredNJ) to help more families find affordable healthcare;
  • Voted for the American Rescue Plan, which expanded access and options for more middle-class families looking to get healthcare coverage;
  • Voted to expand Medicare to cover vision, hearing, and dental benefits; and
  • Supported lowering the Medicare eligibility age to allow more Americans to enroll sooner.