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Committees and Caucuses

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

Congressman Pappas serves on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, which oversees veterans’ measures with broad jurisdiction, including the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), and the National Cemetery Administration (NCA). 

Congressman Pappas was tapped to be the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, where he is involved in directing investigations and hearings into some of the most pressing issues facing veterans. The Subcommittee may investigate concerns pertaining to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and other federal agencies involved in veterans’ affairs.


House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure

Congressman Pappas serves on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure which exercises jurisdiction over transportation and infrastructure issues around the country, including roads, waterways, transportation infrastructure, and federal management of emergencies and natural disasters.

As a member of the Committee, Congressman Pappas is committed to ensuring that Granite State infrastructure and transportation matters receive top priority. Congressman Pappas currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, and as a member of the Highway and Transit and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittees.