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Press Releases

September 19, 2022
"President Biden has declared the pandemic over, but he is still forcing kids as young as two-years old to wear masks. His hypocrisy hurts the development of young children and I have repeatedly called for Biden to end this policy. Biden’s policies have created a crisis for families who rely on Head Start and I will continue to fight for the rights of parents and students to be treated fairly,” said Congressman John Moolenaar.
September 15, 2022

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has awarded Congressman John Moolenaar its Guardian of Small Business Award for 2022. The award is presented to lawmakers who consistently fight for policies that will benefit small businesses. 

September 14, 2022

Today, President Joe Biden will travel to Detroit to attend the North American International Auto Show.

"President Biden got behind the wheel of the economy, hit the accelerator on inflation, and drove America into a recession with soaring prices for food and energy. His policies have left Michigan families stuck in neutral as their hard-earned wages cannot keep up with the rising costs of Biden’s economy,” said Congressman John Moolenaar.

September 13, 2022
"Michigan families and seniors are struggling to afford the essentials as President Biden's inflation crisis continues. They have been forced to spend hundreds more each month to cover the cost of living in Biden's economy," said Congressman John Moolenaar. "Worst of all, while Michigan families were paying more to put food on the table, Biden decided to stick them with the bill for the college debts run up by other people. This is wrong, and I will continue to oppose Biden’s failed economic policies.”
September 10, 2022
"Michigan families and seniors continue to face unaffordable energy prices caused by President Biden. Before the pandemic, we had a strong economy with low inflation and affordable gas, but Biden's policies have discouraged American energy independence," said Moolenaar. "This event reminds us how the right policies can benefit Michigan residents with affordable energy and low inflation."
September 9, 2022
"As kids go back to school this fall, the Biden administration’s new rule makes it harder for charter schools to offer learning opportunities for students. Every student deserves the chance to receive a quality education and every parent should have the right to pick the school that is best for their kids. Biden’s rule will make both of those goals harder and that is why I am introducing this resolution to repeal it," said Moolenaar, the co-chair of the Congressional School Choice Caucus. "My resolution stands up for parents and students by supporting the ability for families to find a school that best fits their needs and allow for students to succeed and realize their true potential."
September 6, 2022
"This new legislation I am supporting will stop the IRS from hiring 87,000 new employees to comb through the personal finances of the American people,” said Congressman John Moolenaar. “Michigan families are hurting because of the recession caused by President Biden and now he is using their hard-earned money to turn around and target them with more IRS agents and audits.”
August 31, 2022
“This important funding is made possible by the presidential disaster declaration I helped secure for our community in 2020, which has brought more than $100 million in federal relief to Midland, Gladwin, and the region,” said Congressman John Moolenaar. "Now, the state and local governments that rebuilt the roads and bridges will be paid by the federal government for the work they have done. I am proud to have led the rebuilding efforts for our region and I will continue to work with local leaders as these efforts go forward.”
August 24, 2022
"Today’s announcement by President Biden takes money from hardworking Michigan families and benefits mostly wealthier Americans who chose to take on debt on their own. Meanwhile, hardworking Michigan residents who learned skilled trades and put those skills to work will now be picking up the tab for personal loans taken out by others,” said Congressman John Moolenaar. "It is completely unfair to the many Americans who worked hard and already paid back their loans. All of us will be paying a price for this Biden policy as it will increase inflation and the cost for goods and services.” 
August 16, 2022
"President Biden lied to Michigan families when he said his massive spending bill would reduce inflation. Independent experts have now confirmed Biden's bill will not help and Michigan families will continue to feel pain at the gas pump and the grocery store for months to come. Biden and the Democrats have passed trillions in extra spending and they have left Michigan families behind to deal with the consequences of a recession and soaring inflation," said Congressman John Moolenaar.