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Pfluger on Inflation: The Democrats' anti-American energy agenda is crushing American families

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Tags: Economy

Washington, D.C. — Tuesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following the report that prices spiked 8.3% in August 2022, higher than expected. Rep. August Pfluger: “The August 2022 8.3% price hikes are even worse than expected—and largely driven by the extreme uptick in the price of energy and food. Gas utility bills are up 33% and electricity is 15.8% more expensive than i...

Pfluger: Americans asked for lower prices, Democrats delivered higher taxes

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Tags: Economy

WASHINGTON, DC – Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) delivered impassioned remarks on the U.S. House of Representatives Floor, moments before he voted against the “Inflation Reduction Act”. Rep. Pfluger spoke against the disastrous effects this legislation would have on working families, small businesses, and American energy producers. Watch Pfluger’s remarks here, or read a transcript belo...

Pfluger: Democrats in Denial on Recession

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Tags: Economy

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) issued the following statement on Thursday's Bureau of Economic Analysis report that the U.S. economy shrunk for the 2nd consecutive quarter—officially defined as a recession. Rep. August Pfluger: “It’s almost unbelievable that on the day a recession is officially declared, Washington Democrats resurrect Build Back Better – a plan to raise...

Pfluger Statement on 9.1% Inflation Rate

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Tags: Economy

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement on the record-high June inflation statistics released Wednesday: Rep. August Pfluger: “For nearly a year, Democrats in Washington have ignored the realities of inflation while Americans who do not have the luxury of ignoring price spikes on their basket of groceries and tank of gas suffer. In the past year and a h...

Pfluger Condemns President Biden’s Inflation Crisis

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Tags: Economy

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement on the record-high inflation statistics released Friday morning. Rep. August Pfluger: “Another month. Another poor inflation report for President Biden. Families are paying more for basic goods while wages continue to shrink. It is sobering times for Americans, and Congressional Democrats are shirking their respon...

Pfluger: President Biden’s budget further fuels inflation, other crises

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Tags: Economy

Representative August Pfluger (TX-11) released the following statement today after President Biden submitted his fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget request to Congress: “It is clear that President Biden is not buying his own groceries, filling up his gas tank, or watching his paycheck go down in value each month. If he was, he surely would not have proposed a nearly $6 Trillion budget that further fuels...

Pfluger Opposes Trillions in Socialist Spending

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Friday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) voted no on President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Build Back Bankrupt Agenda—a reckless spending bill and tax increase in U.S. history that will sabotage the economy and hand over unparalleled control to the federal government. “This Democrat party believes the government should control every aspect of our lives—from spying on our personal bank a...

Pfluger Votes NO On Democrat Debt Increase

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Tags: Economy

Tuesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement after voting no on the Democrat proposal to raise the debt ceiling: “With nearly $30 trillion in debt and no meaningful plan to rein in wasteful spending, I opposed today's vote to temporarily lift the debt ceiling. Democrats – who control the House, Senate, and White House – have remain committed to enacting the most harmful tax-and...

Pfluger Excoriates Democrats’ Shady $3.5 Trillion Budget Scheme

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Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) issued a statement today after Washington Democrats approved Senator Bernie Sanders’ $68 trillion budget—triggering a partisan reconciliation process to allow for $3.5 trillion in a new socialist spending spree and tax increase on all Americans, without holding an actual up and down vote on the budget: “Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats used a shady scheme to pass...

Pfluger Blasts Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Blowout

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Wednesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement rebuking the Senate Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reckless tax-and-spend budget blueprint chock-full of socialist policies and mandates: “The Democrats’ outlandish $3.5 trillion package will harm our economy, fuel inflation, impose crippling tax hikes on small businesses and American families, provide amnesty for illegal immigrants, res...