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Foreign Affairs

As a first-generation Korean American, I know firsthand the importance of a strong foreign policy. My parents fled North Korea at the start of the Korean War. Since then, my native country has been divided and the Korean peninsula has become home to a free and thriving democracy in the South and a repressive dictatorship in the North. I know what it means to live in a country under the constant threat of violence. Not only does North Korea threaten South Korea – it also threatens the world through its state-sponsored support of dangerous nations around the world. We must do all that we can in preventing countries like Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and harming our allies.

Supporting Israel

The American relationship with Israel remains the cornerstone of American foreign policy in the Middle East. President Trump made historic strides supporting this relationship including the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel’s historical and indivisible capital, and officially recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. At the same time, we have seen the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States and around the globe. In Congress, I will whole-heartedly support Israel and promote peace in the region.

Protecting Against Russian Interference

We have seen countries like Russia use cyberwarfare and propaganda to influence and harm our nation. Russia is a direct threat and Congress must continue to work on a bipartisan level to stop Russia’s threats and interference. This includes continuing to support our NATO and European allies.

Stopping Chinese Theft

The People’s Republic of China and their communist leader have taken an aggressive approach towards the United States. China has stolen both American intellectual property and our trade secrets. This is unacceptable and we must help American businesses protect critical data infrastructure.