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ICYMI: Rep. Ron Kind Joins Push to Keep Health Care Costs Low for Wisconsinites by Extending ACA Subsidies Without Delay

June 22, 2022
Press Release

Washington, DC – Last week, Rep. Ron Kind joined fellow New Democrat Coalition members in sending a letter to Congressional leadership calling for urgent action on a budget reconciliation bill that extends the enhanced Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies and closes the Medicaid coverage gap. Rep. Kind helped secure the ACA subsidies in the American Rescue Plan, which was passed and signed into law last year.   

This effort follows the release of Rep. Kind and the New Democrat Coalition’s Inflation Action Plan, a comprehensive policy roadmap to lower the cost of living that was called “the best inflation plan yet”. The plan calls for enacting a budget reconciliation bill that lowers health care costs by extending the ACA subsidies and closing the Medicaid coverage gap. If Congress does not act quickly to extend the ACA subsidies, millions of Americans could lose health care coverage or see their health care costs spike.     

“The enhanced ACA subsidies included in the American Rescue Plan helped lower health care costs and expanded access to coverage for Wisconsinites,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “We need to act now in order to preserve this progress and protect health care coverage for families across Wisconsin. I’ll keep working to lower costs and ensure access to quality, affordable care.”  

Rep. Kind serves on the Subcommittee on Health for the Ways and Means Committee, the most powerful - and the oldest - committee in the House of Representatives. It has jurisdiction over tax measures, the management of public debt, trade and tariff laws, Social Security, Medicare, pensions, and many other economic growth measures.  

Read the full letter here.   

