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Press Releases

November 19, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ron Kind voted for the Build Back Better Act. This historic legislation will create millions of good-paying jobs, lower everyday costs for working families, and rebuild the middle-class backbone of our nation – all without adding to our deficit.    

November 18, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ron Kind highlighted the great work of Wisconsin’s rural health centers and professionals in honor of National Rural Health Day.  

November 17, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ron Kind announced that he joined over 50 of his colleagues in sending a bicameral, bipartisan letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) urging the agency to take immediate action to enable U.S. civilian airports to use PFAS-free firefighting foam.  

November 15, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement after President Joe Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal into law today:  

November 12, 2021 Press Release

La Crosse, WI – This week, Rep. Ron Kind joined the Wisconsin delegation in introducing a resolution that recognizes Wisconsin's leadership in creating veteran-to-veteran mentorship programs that help returning service members transition back to civilian life.  

November 12, 2021 Press Release

La Crosse, WI – At a press conference yesterday, U.S. Rep. Ron KindSen. Brad Pfaff, and Wisconsin labor leaders joined together to speak about the significant wins for Wisconsin in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal.

November 11, 2021 Press Release

La Crosse, WI — Today, Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement honoring our Wisconsin Veterans and Servicemembers on Veterans Day:  

November 5, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ron Kind voted to pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and send it to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law. This legislation makes a historic investment in our roads and bridges, access to broadband, water infrastructure, resilience, and more - all while creating jobs and growing our economy.  

November 4, 2021 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ron Kind voted the Protect Older Job Applicants Act. This legislation will codify and clarify protections for older job applicants in the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
