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Across Kansas, you can see different methods for obtaining the energy needed for everyday life including both fossil fuels and renewable energy. I support an “all of the above” energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence and embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy. We need commonsense, reliable energy sources, and biofuels play an important part in our American energy independence. 

It is imperative America creates and produces enough energy and variety here at home, so we are not reliant on foreign fuel. President Biden's war on American energy producers has had hard-hitting impacts on our energy producers and caused gas prices to double since he was in office. I introduced the Use Stocks, Stop Russia (USSR) Act, which would prohibit Russian petroleum products from being imported into the United States, resume construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, and encourage the use of American-produced energy resources to meet the current demand in our country. It's high time America utilizes the energy supply in our own backyard and puts our country's best interests first.

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