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Tim Walberg House Hearing
August 7, 2022
This legislation is based on a GAO report that found that federal broadband efforts are fragmented and overlapping.

Tim Walberg Lenawee Farm Bureau
May 5, 2022
More than 30 producers from both counties came together April 18 at Mark Prielipp Greenhouse & Mohr near Britton, bringing questions for the Walberg concerning issues they deal with every day in their operations.

Tim Walberg FRIB MSU
May 3, 2022
The learning opportunities also excited Congressman Tim Walberg (R-7), who joked about fighting as far back as the 1990s to beat Illinois when it came to research projects.
Issues:Local Issues

Tim Walberg Ukraine
May 1, 2022
Michigan U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg this past week became one of the first American elected officials to set foot in Ukraine since its invasion by Russia two months ago. 

Monroe Port
March 29, 2022
The issue prompted a bipartisan coalition of federal lawmakers to take up the cause. Democrat Sen. Gary Peters and Republican Rep. Tim Walberg pushed CBP for answers and clarifications. 
Issues:Local Issues

January 14, 2022

Amid the explosive spread of the omicron variant, much of the conversation around COVID-19 has focused on the potential health consequences of getting together. But not enough has focused on the health consequences of isolation.

December 8, 2021

Washington — Republican U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg has introduced a bill in Congress to block President Joe Biden from "punitively" shutting down Line 5 or any other oil or natural gas pipeline without congressional approval.

The legislation says the president may not revoke a presidential or other permit for construction or operation of a pipeline or electric transmission facility unless authorized by Congress.

November 17, 2021
On Fox News, Walberg highlights the negative consequences that terminating Line 5 would bring to Michigan’s economy and energy security.

November 6, 2021

Lenawee County's congressman is criticizing a new federal workplace safety rule requiring millions of public and private employees in Michigan and the U.S. to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan.

October 9, 2021

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has come under fire recently after Ford announced it will open electric vehicle and battery plants in Tennessee and Kentucky because Michigan did not meet the criteria for the company's new campuses.

Michigan Republican Rep. Tim Walberg told FOX Business the decision "leaves a lot of questions."