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Chairwoman Velázquez on August Jobs Report

Washington, D.C.— Today, House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY) issued the following statement after the Labor Department released its August jobs report showing that non-farm payroll employment increased by 315,000:  
      “Today’s jobs report showcases the strength of our economic recovery under the Biden administration. Since President Biden took office, we’ve added nearly 10 million jobs, the fastest pace on record. As we approach Labor Day, American workers have much to celebrate, jobs are up, wages are rising, and more Americans are working than ever. The strength of our recovery is a direct result of the economic plan advanced by Democrats in Congress. Thanks to policies like the American Rescue Plan, small businesses are driving the revitalization of our economy. During the first year of the Biden administration, entrepreneurs applied to start more new businesses than any other year on record, and small firms created jobs at a blistering pace.  
       “Despite all our progress, the cost of running a business or providing for one’s family remains too high. The Inflation Reduction Act, which is full of measures to reduce health care and energy costs, will help lower expenses for working families while also growing our economy. I look forward to continuing to work to build on this momentum and advance policies to build the economy from the bottom up and middle out.”


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