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Calendars & Schedules

Senate and House calendars consist of lists of measures that are eligible for floor consideration. Congressional schedules indicate what the House and Senate intend to discuss or bring to the floor on a particular day.


Calendar of Business (Legislative Calendar)

About the Calendar of Business
Browse Past Calendars of Business (1995-Present) (GPO-govInfo)
Latest Issue (GPO-govInfo)

Executive Calendar

About the Executive Calendar
The Senate's Executive Calendar (CRS) (PDF)
Browse Executive Calendar Archive 
Latest Issue

Senate Schedules

Current Floor Schedule
Current Tentative Legislative Schedule
Past Legislative Schedules
2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008
Days in Session (1978-Present) (
Senate Committee Schedules

House Calendars & Schedules

House Calendar (govInfo)
House Legislative Schedule
House Committee Schedule

About Recess & Adjournment

Adjournment Sine Die
History of the August Recess