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American flag waves in the wind next to the dome of the U.S. Capitol
Congress should lead by example to reduce federal spending and the national debt. Since 2010, Congress has passed legislation to freeze the pay of legislators. Members of Congress and their staff are also required to participate in the health care exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act.

A Red Barn on a Farm
As a lifelong resident of mid and northern Michigan, I understand the importance of the agriculture industry to the state. Agriculture is the economic backbone of many communities throughout Michigan’s Fourth Congressional District and has been instrumental in the state’s economic recovery.

scissors cutting a credit card
The hardworking families of mid and northern Michigan understand how to balance their checkbook and it’s about time the federal government does the same. Excessive spending in Washington has been unchecked for too long, and as a result, our nation faces over $23 trillion in debt. Plain and simple, our obligations are growing faster than our ability to pay them.

Closeup shot of a young man writing on a note pad
Scientific and technological discoveries have made our country a global economic leader. I support efforts aimed at spurring innovation, which will lead to economic growth and create jobs for the American people. Additionally, I believe we should encourage our children to become the scientists and engineers of tomorrow. I support efforts to increase access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs in order to inspire children to pursue these fields.

oil rig and sunset
Our nation's long-term energy policy must be aimed at reducing prices for American families and businesses. I support an all-of-the-above energy strategy that utilizes our nation's abundant domestic resources so we can continue to be an energy-independent nation.

United Nations flags
American leadership ensures global stability. We must use all possible diplomatic tools to partner with our allies and further the interests of the American people. We must also hold countries and organizations accountable for their actions and use sanctions when necessary to show the resolve of United States to stand up to rogue regimes that wish to harm our country.

Satellite Photo of the Great Lake, Centered on Michigan
I strongly support the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Since the initiative was launched in 2010, GLRI funds have been used to support over 3,000 restoration projects to improve water quality, protect and restore native habitat, fight invasive species, and prevent beach closings. I will continue to work across the aisle to ensure funding for protecting the Great Lakes.

stethoscope on a clipboard
I am a member of the House Appropriations Committee and the subcommittee with oversight of HHS and its response to the opioid crisis. I support funding for states to combat the opioid crisis and I have also backed legislation funding research into new pain relief treatments so patients can safely recover without the risk of addiction. I have also supported funding that will help our country find cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s. These diseases rob us of our loved ones and we must continue research that will bring us closer to finding life-saving treatments.

Business man hand drawing a graph
Michigan has a talented workforce and world-leading manufacturing base, and we can keep it that way by promoting opportunities in the skilled trades. I am committed to ensuring residents have the opportunity to learn career and technical skills that are vital to applying for good-paying jobs.

A picture of a baby
I believe that everyone has an unalienable right to life and that life begins at conception. We must work to protect life and ensure that every child has the opportunity to live life to the fullest.