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Affordable and quality healthcare is a human right. Yet, one in four Americans cannot afford or access the healthcare they need because of prohibitive cost. This is unacceptable.As one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, the United States cannot be a place where some citizens must choose between seeking life-saving treatment or putting food on the table for their families. This cannot be country where millions of citizens living with pre-existing conditions are denied coverage. Nor, can it be a country where quality mental health care is a privilege only afforded to a few.

Our healthcare system must ensure dignity and equality for all people, which is why we need to enact policies that move our country to a single-payer system. As a Member of Congress, I'm proud to support Medicare for All, a legislative proposal that creates a single-payer system that will finally guarantee coverage for every American, while reining-in the exorbitant costs of our existing system. I also plan to continue fighting against the constant attacks on the Affordable Care Act and the Trump Administration's attempts to rescind the crucial protections afforded by this landmark legislation.

The inalienable right to healthcare also means that no one should be blocked from accessing the prescription medications they need. Americans pay more for pharmaceutical products than any other country in the world. We must hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for price gouging and other corporate monopolistic practices that prioritize profits over patients. I am fiercely advocating for policies that lower prices and increase transparency within the industry.

I also stand in support of efforts to safeguard reproductive rights against those who would seek to strip away our ability to make decisions about our own bodies. Every woman – no matter where they live or what their economic status – is entitled to safe, quality reproductive healthcare, which includes access to pregnancy-related care, contraceptive medication and abortion services. I will continue to be a steadfast advocate for women's rights, especially when it comes to the preservation of our bodily autonomy and reproductive healthcare.

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