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Washington, DC

In the Washington, DC office, internships run throughout the fall, spring or summer semesters for college students. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' hectic course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when Congress is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when not in session. Interns in Rep. Omar's office are paid $15 an hour.

In Washington, DC, interns' responsibilities will vary. They may be asked to answer phones, run errands, research legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attend hearings and briefings and answer constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office.

You can apply to be either a legislative intern or digital/press intern. Please note in your cover letter which one you prefer.

If you are interested in the digital/press internship, responsibilities would include traditional internship dutues as well as helping create social media assets with an emphasis on video, graphic design, subtitles, media monitoring, and other written and digital product. Duties would also include drafting newsletters and tracking holidays/major events related to the district. Proficiency in Adobe Suite (Photoshop/Premiere Pro is preferred). 


In the District office, interns may be asked to do a variety of things, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, writing letters and assisting with media clips. In addition, interns may be assigned to assist in various constituent casework or work on District-based projects of importance.

Internships for the Washington D.C. and District programs are available during the following sessions:

Summer Session – June through August (Deadline March 31st)

Fall Session – September through December (Deadline June 30th)

Spring Session – January/February through April/May (Deadline October 31st)


To apply for an internship in one of our offices, please complete and submit the Internship form below.

Applications must include a resume, cover letter, and writing sample. In the content of your cover letter, please include information regarding specific hourly availability and start date.

Attention all applicants:

**To be employed by a House office in a paid position (including internships) in the continental United States an individual must:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen;
  2. Be lawfully admitted for permanent residence and seeking citizenship as outlined in 8 U.S.C. § 1324b(a)(3)(B);
  3. Be (i) admitted as a refugee under 8 U.S.C. § 1157 or granted asylum under 8 U.S.C. § 1158 and (ii) have filed a declaration of intention to become a lawful permanent resident and then a citizen when eligible; or
  4. Owe allegiance to the U.S. (i.e., qualify as a non-citizen U.S. national under federal law).

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