Press Release
For Immediate Release: 
September 16, 2022
Contact Info: 
Raymond Rodriguez 202-225-3130

This week, the House advanced a number of bills from the Oversight and Reform Committee which will help to ensure government accountability and protect the federal civilian workforce. By passing these bills, House Democrats acted to further insulate whistleblowers against retaliation, strengthen the nonpartisan nature of the U.S. Census, and protect our civil service system from partisan influence. I was glad to bring these critical pieces of legislation to the House Floor and thank Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, Rep. Gerry Connolly, and the Members on the Oversight and Reform Committee for their work on behalf of the American people.

In addition, this week, House Democrats continued our focus on putting money back in the pockets of American workers and families by addressing inflation, lowering health care costs, and bolstering domestic manufacturing to create new jobs and allow more of our people to Make It In America. This Congress, Democrats have enacted historic legislation to respond to the challenges facing our country including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. I was glad to bring these vital bills, which help to lower costs for working families, address supply chain vulnerabilities that have raised the price of consumer goods, tackle the climate crisis, and reduce the deficit, to the Floor and work to ensure they became law.
House Democrats’ record of accomplishments stand in stark contrast to that of Congressional Republicans who continue their agenda of voting against Democrats’ legislation to lower costs and further restricting women’s ability to make their own health care decisions. Earlier this week, Senator Lindsey Graham introduced legislation to ban abortion after 15 weeks nationwide, with few exceptions. House Democrats will not waver in our commitment to freedom and ensuring America’s women have health care access and reproductive choice.

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer

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On House Democrats’ Work to Ensure Government Accountability
On House Democrats’ Commitment to Lowering Costs for Working Families